High bp after infusion?

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
high bp after infusion?

Anyone here have high bp issues after their infusion? Was fine yesterday during the treatment- this morning bp jumped to 198/106 and is still up there.

I'm sitting in my primary doctors office right waiting for the pa to come back in- think he is calling the infusion clinic.
hmm...guess no one has had an isue...bp is down to 150/96 this afternoon - hoping it continues in that track.....put a call in to the infusion clinic to let them know and pass on the info to the doctor.....hope I'm not becoming allergic!
I havent heard of it before but it does seem a side effect (one web user said they had high bp for 12-14wks so guess urs isnt as bad as that lol... found via google)

Hope it settles down soon for you