High pitched hiccup

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Apr 26, 2013
This might sound odd, but for yeas, since having intestinal symptoms I have also had very odd explosive random squeaky-high pitched LOUD hiccups that sound like a bird is being strangled.

they usually come in pairs or alone, mostly after eating or drinking anything.... does anyone else ever experience this?!

Sorry if im just being odd :p
Strangely enough, I've been getting the hiccups fairly often throughout the past few days. I usually get them very, very rarely (and then only from laughing really hard). However, mine tend to last for a while.

My boyfriend and his mom both have the random, loud hiccups that come alone or in pairs (just like you described) and neither of them have IBD.
I had similar hiccups when I was in hospital last. They definitely seem worse when I have issues. Maybe they are in some way related to the hernia that I have causing irritation of the diaphragm.
On an episode of the TV show, House, Dr. House had a patient who "squawked." Dr. House said something about stomach acid splashing up... I can't remember exactly. But I regularly "squawk." So did my mom, but my brother doesn't. This is all I know about the loud, high-pitched, convulsive "hiccup" I get. I only get mine in singles. Maybe 1% of the time in pairs.

Apparently the medical mysteries in House are based on real cases (based on, not identical, so... grain of salt), but if something House said helps anyone out there give their doctor a clue about what might be going on with them, cool. Old man squawking episode (it's a side story, not a main story).

Good luck!
I started them in highschool over 10 years go and naturally i thought i was gonna be the next X-men lol. yes they are supper high pitched to the point where people know where I am or even scare people because they don't know what it is. I actually like them and their randomness untill i get the chain ones then my chest starts to hurt after a while because the force of the squeak pulls my chest in just a little. the solo sets were very offten when i was a kid in high school i counted 36 one day. after a while they became less but lately i've been having more and i also developed what feels like a sighlent squeak. its just a sudden quick inhale just like when i get my high pitched ones. maybe god is playing with the volume control on our hiccups? I'd rather a cool supper power tho

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