High White Blood Count but Feeling Decent?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 24, 2014
Has anyone ever had a very high WBC count but felt pretty good overall? I'm not in remission but have been feeling okay and have been able to be active exercising and eating a decent amount so I was surprised and scared when my doctor called telling me my WBC was 23. It's always high for me but <20. He wants to check it again in a week and if it's still this high, investigate other causes since based on my symptoms and recent colonoscopy it doesn't fit that it would be this high. Just wondering what to make of this. I've had a lot of anxiety in general lately and this hasn't helped. All I need is another diagnosis, ugh.
It could be that the recent colonoscopy put your immune system into a state of alert..
in which case the next bloodwork will show a decrease towards normal.
It’s good that you are feeling ok...and not showing any signs of fever.
White cell counts can fluctuate because they are our sentries on guard for our systems and will indicate any changes such as infections or other abnormal conditions.
Feel better soon..

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