Hoping no surgery!

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Aug 28, 2011
Just a quick update on my poor boy. We had our check up at IBD clinic on Wednesday. Poor guy had 4 of them looking at his bottom - shame!! His absess is still there and leaking puss (yuck - sorry). We are now on Cipro and Flagyll and I am truly hoping they work. If there is no significant improvement in 2 weeks we have to go see the surgeon:(. Really hoping he doesn't have to go into surgery. Having an MRI in the next month to check out the whole area.
Oh goodness ~ that must have been just awful for him ! I can't imagine having 4 people looking at my bum, never mind a 12 year old having to endure it ! :(
I hope the antibiotics do their job and he can avoid surgery, Ill keep my fingers crossed :)

Best of luck with the MRI ~ besides him having to drink the not so yummy stuff, it should be relatively an uneventful test.
Please keep up updated on his progress, and hang in there ! :)
Poor kid :( I hope the Cipro and Flagyl help him!

As said above, the MRI is not a difficult test. My son usually has a hard time with the prep drinks, however, he found that the MRE prep drink was manageable. However, we did have a 'back-up' plan... I believe I read on another post that your son used the NG tube for the enteral nutrition and was 'okay' with the tube??? If so, just know that if he finds the prep for the MRI very difficult to drink, it can be given through an NG tube... can certainly make it easier to take in.
Oh Sascot, how awful for your boy...:hug:

Everything crossed that the antibiotics do their job...:goodluck:

Thinking of you, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Thanks everyone. I don't think he has to take any preps or anything for the MRI. Think it's just his "bottom area" that is getting done so won't need to follow through any liquids. One less yucky med to take thank goodness.
Sascot, our Kian had the surgery for the abcess he had at his bum and its a quick procedure. Afterwards he didnt need it packed and was treated with medical manuka honey which we had on repeat prescription and i treated it at home. It healed great with the manuka and very quickly too. good luck and heres hopin the meds work and no surgery is needed. xx
Thanks, it's funny you should mention the Manuka honey. Someone just told me about hospitals using it just last week. I have seen it in health stores - wondered how it is used.
I realise it isn't a big procedure but Andrew doesn't react to anaesthetics very well - gets very upset when he wakes up so not much fun.
I am worried about the amount of school he has missed so far and don't want him to miss more.
And so the joy just keeps coming! My daughter had horse riding this afternoon. The horse stumbled and she came off - so had 2 hours at A&E - she has slightly dislocated her arm and has a small fracture. She is up late watching a DVD and so is Andrew who is "feeling yucky" on the meds. Happy days!
Sorry to hear about your daughter I hope she recovers quickly. To help your son feel better with the antibiotics make sure he is taking a good probiotic twice a day

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