Horrible cramps

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Nov 6, 2009
I have been having the WORST stomach cramps ever for the past 2 days. I double over, whenever it happens, and it's bad enough that I have to hold my breath to keep from screaming. I don't know what happened. My diet has been pretty normal. Has this randomly happened to anybody?

And can you guys tolerate olives? and throw in any other food that you can't tolerate as well, I guess.
Hmmmm, if the pain is higher than say a 7 or 8 on a scale of 1 to 10 - I think I might call my doc on that one. Do you know if you have a stricture hanging out anywhere that might cause you to be obstructed? That would be my concern.

BTW - I just read your signature. If you don't like your screenname - you can PM Mikeyarmo and he can change it for you. He did it for me :)
Do you have bloated intestines? I have that now, from eating cheese, but usually it doesnt affect me, just never know when or how bad, taking my antibiotics again ;-(.
Wow, sorry to hear that. I know the exact feeling. You have my sympathy.

Crohn's is a sneaky ******* -- sometimes you never know when the pain comes or what triggered it.

Hope you can pinpoint the source.
I had this god awful pain last night... all through the night. First the pain woke me up and then was in tears whenever it raged. Was inbetween my belly button and slightly to the right under my ribs. The worst pain was as I came to the end of breathing out each time and did lead to the screaming pain. I'm giving it a 9 on the old pain scale. :voodoo:

I'm just so grateful my boyfriend was with me to help with the hot water bottles and cold flannels!

This morning I am completely exhausted but thankfully now on a pain scale of only 2 - 3.

Whatever I ate yesterday I am NOT touching again!

I think if that pain lasted longer than just a night i'd take myself to the ER (A&E) without a second thought.
Sounds like you ate something that doesn't agree with you. Beef is bad for me as well as anything spicy which I use to love waiting both. Onion rings tear me up pretty good too. I know shortly after I eat by the pain and then run to the bathroom.
ouch! iwantpopcorn, hope you feel better soon!

only time i had pain like that, to the point where i'd wanna scream, fold over and/or not be able to walk.... it spells t-r-o-u-b-l-e! be careful!
I have never been able to pin point where my cramps come from. Did you just have the terrible cramps or did D accompany them?
Hi iwantpopcorn,

Yeah I've had terrible pain before, usually followed by bouts of diarrhea... doc said it was because my Crohn's is active and bowels inflamed. I notice it gets worse if I eat a large meal, anything with seeds/hulls (like popcorn or pomegranate seeds), or really greasy food. I would say, however, if these pains are different from your "normal" Crohn's, get it checked out since it could mean things are worsening...

Best of luck in finding some relief!
I have had a few 'episodes' of pain that sound like what you experience, iwantpopcorn. A few times were lower abdominal pain, where the cramping is so intense that it does literally take your breath away - these cramps came and went much like I would imagine labor contractions (about every 4 minutes). One of these episodes ended in D, alone at 4am in a hotel room while away on business...while the other 2 times just eventually went away. I also have had a few times of intense pain just below my ribs, but this is constant pain that doesn't come and go. In all cases, I have yet to correlate any food item with these attacks. I hope your pain has gone away now!

I feel for you as I am also experiencing really sever cramps today. They kept me up half the nite as well. I am quite sure this episode was triggered by a combination of a cheese and apple snack and some beef I ate yesterday. I could feel things heating up and thought this ain't gonna be good. Sure enough it hit with gusto in the middle of the night and I have now taken a vicodin so I can saty at work. You really gotta watch what and how much you eat and learn what triggers flares. Something that you eat today may cause slight discomfort but when you eat it again a month or two from now the same thing may cause sever pain and cramps.