Hot at night?

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Jul 28, 2014
I havent checked my temperature so i cant say fever per se, and i usually run low so it wouldnt be high even if there is one... but i get HOT at night. Like I can feel it radiating off my hands and feet hot, sweating and feeling extremely overheated. It seems to correspond to nights when im having an increase in my other symptoms that i know are crohns related so i think this might be a Crohns thing but i was wondering if anyone else gets this or has any suggestions on dealing with it? Last night for example, i felt like i was roasting. So i kicked off my blanket, turned up the ac etc... by morning it had ended and i was covered in sweat from earlier and now cold
Since I have been on Prednisone, we have had to turn the temperature down a few degrees cooler, my hubby is cold but he understands. That could have something to do with it but I would certainly let your GI know.

Good luck!!
I figured out, for myself, that my night sweats were due to multivitamin.

I suspect it was due to the >100% values for so many vitamins and minerals. I switched to children's vitamins which seems to be better in line with supplementing your diet.

I do not understand why they cram so much into vitamins, it is supposed to supplement, not replace your intake.
I took the childrens ones when i ws pregnant with both my kids, the prenatals had too much and made me sick so my OB told me take 2 kids vitamins per day, one in the morning and one at night :lol:
I live not too far from you and I have been waking up at night drenched in sweat. I am not on any IBD meds (not in a flare either) and not menopausal. It's just another summer in Texas for me.

If it's more than that for you, I would first suspect the prednisone to be the problem and after that would wonder if you have a mineral imbalance (again, the vitamins).
I get nasty night sweats when I eat something that doesn't agree with me. Same thing. I wake up wet and freezing. I also get overheated from doing simple things. Before I was diagnosed with Crohn's I thought it was early menopause. Even my period was stopping. After taking prednisone it all got better for awhile (my GI said it might). Now I have normal periods but the night sweats and heat problems are back. :(
Well at least im not completely insane if someone else is getting something similar lol. It did, now that i think on it, seeem to be a bit less common when i was on 40mg pred but now that im tapering its back
I just spoke to my gastro yesterday about night sweats and he is said it is associated with active disease. I have Crohn's.
There's not much I can do about my sweats. I just keep some dry pajamas by my bed and an extra pillow. My sister puts a few layers of bottom sheets on her bed. That way if they get too wet, she can quickly strip a sheet off.
I wake with my sheets drenched too. I am on Humira and have read that it could be the cause, but I heard that Crohn's causes night sweats too.
Before she was diagnosed, my daughter slept with all of her covers off through a Canadian winter and she was soaked in sweat most nights.

I think it's the Crohn's. No meds yet at that point.
I am sorry to hear about your young daughter being diagnosed with Crohn's. I did not know it happened to kids that young. So hard on them and their parents.
Another mommy here. Yes my girl during flare sweats A LOT at night!
I've read many adults on here do also.
I'm lucky enough that unless I have a fever I don't ever sweat, but since my Crohn's became active (and I notice this still even in remission) I have zero concept of my body temperature, but it always seems to run at extremes. I'll complain I'm freezing and my SO will say that no, I feel perfectly warm to him. Or I'll complain I'm hot and I'm absolutely scalding in comparison to him at all times. I think I had it explained to me once as a symptom of our immune systems... I'll try and look it up again when it isn't so late.

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