How are drug allergies determined?

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Nov 12, 2011
Just curious how drug allergies are determined. If a drug causes side effects, is that considered an allergy?

DS had increased diarrhea, nausea and stomach aches on Flagyl. Does that mean he's allergic or just simply should avoid it in the future? Is it possible that under different circumstances he might be able to use it again someday?

When he was in the hospital for his resection, they also gave him Flagyl then via IV. He had a horrible itching reaction for two days and the drs chalked it up to the epidural... but now I'm wondering if it might have been the Flagyl?
There are drug allergy tests that can be run.

After two doses of cipro, Stephen broke out in hives... we stopped the cipro, went to pharmacist and she told us he was allergic and to give him benedryl. This was just before he was actually diagnosed. Since then, lots of GIs later (ie in emergency, while inpatient, ped GI, adult GI), they have asked how we know he's allergic, when we explain, no one has ever questioned it or suggested any other testing.
Mehita, that is curious, but Flagyl makes many people have GI symptoms. I don't think you should rule it out completely in the future, but avoid it when possible.
They can do allergy testing in an allergist office. When my son was a baby and I was breast feeding I was on penicillin for something. He broke out in head to toe hives so the dr said he was allergic and told me to stop the meds. They gave me a penicillin substitute that they said he shouldn't react to. First feeding he was head to toe in hives again, so I stopped those meds. We never gave him penicillin again because our dr said he is allergic. Last summer I decided to have him tested. It was done in the hosp. They gave him a dose and watched him for 15 min I believe, gave him more and watched him again. We were there for a couple of hours in total, as they gave him a bit more and a bit more. He never reacted so they have now decided he is NOT allergic to penicillin.
Hey Mehita,

At this link:

They say that the less serious side effects of metronidazole may include: stomach pain, diarrhea.

BUT it says: Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction while taking metronidazole (the active ingredient contained in Flagyl) hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

IF he broke out in a rash, I would chalk that up to an allergic reaction and be cautious about taking it outside of a doctor's office just incase the next reaction is more severe.

I loathe taking meds as I had a severe reaction to a med one time - so I always ask to try meds in the office first. But my doctor told me you don't always have a reaction the first time when it is oral meds (with IV it happens almost always immediately, which is what happened to me). With oral meds it is typically the second dose that the body respond to.

Not sure if that is helpful?!
As others have said
True drug allergy - avoid at all costs
Versus you don't tolerate it so well
In a hospital setting doc may try again.
DS had a drug rash to remicade as well as throat burning trouble breathing and tongue tingling.
Drug reaction.

Have sore joints or a headache fit in the we don't like the side effects part.
I would ask your Gi where your son fits so it can be marked in his chart.
Nothing to add but I love your new avatar.
How did you get the kids to set next to each other without them fighting?
I was going to say the same thing, FW! ChampsMom and Mehita - love the new pics! :)
Based on the "serious side effects" list from the link ChampsMom shared DS hit three of the eight bullet points. It might explain why his eyes hurt and the fever sprouted too. Interesting.

My boys know they have to humor me at least once a year for the Christmas card photo. We made a day of it at the park and lucked out with a perfect autumn day. Funny thing is the actual photo we used... we came around a bend in the road and it was a gorgeous background. I pulled the car over, yelled for them to stand in the middle of the road, and jumped out to take a pic before another car came. It's all about creating memories, right?

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