HOW do you lose weight??

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May 1, 2012
I know that some of you lose weight too easily. And for that i am really sorry.

But how the heck do you lose weight when your diet consists of mostly carbs???

I have been working out, except when i cant. I am tracking my food and keeping my calories within a reasonable range. My fat gets a little high some days but not every day.

And i havent budged a single pound in a good 3 months.

i am so fed up. I am so sick and tired of being fat. I hate it. I really do hate it.

I know how to lose weight. I do!! I lost over 60 lbs when my daughter was little. All i want to do is get back to that weight. The weight i was last summer. a simple 15 lbs. Hell at this point i'd be happy with 5lbs.

I cant fit into my summer clothes and for anyone who knows how hot it has been here....that isnt a good thing!!!

NONE of my shorts fit. Everything i wear makes me feel and look huge.

I have a wedding coming up i have to attend in two weeks. My goal was to lose 5lbs by then so the capris i have fit me......NOPE

I am so down over this today. I hate my body. I hate being sick. I hate everything right now.......
One thing to keep in mind is if you're working out, you may gain weight (since muscle weighs more than fat) and you may not notice a loss of weight for a while. Everyone is different, though.

From what you said, it seems like you're on the right track. Just don't let yourself get discouraged and keep on going at it!

Good luck!
Well I keep hoping its muscle. Although today I gave in to my depression and ate a few timbits. On the upside they didn't seem to stay with me long. I just was in a heck of a funk today. Hopefully tomorrow is better. And I just need to keep trying. It still brings me down but I know if I give up that won't help either.
I don't know how much this is going to help you ( bet many ppl are jealous of you for have weight at all btw!)

Fat, carbs and protein will all turn into fat if not used, and for fat people it's really easy to gain the fat back, since the fat cells empty but they don't go away.

So anyway, once you eat less your body goes into something they call "starvation mode", what actually happens is that your body thinks you are literally starving (it's a function of the body from long ago, since when humans used to go without much food, they usually were starving). In starvation mode (and anyone who diets puts their body in starvation mode) metabolism decreases to preserve your fat stores (the body is trying to prevent you from dying if you can't find any food the next couple of days), this means you can't lose weight.

They have found a way to trick the body though, it's called the ZigZag diet, what you do is you change up the calories, instead of eating little all the time, you eat little on monday, more on tuesday, little on wednesday, more on thursday and so on. That way you get out of starvation mode and you can keep metabolism high. (mind you, at the end of the week you sill need to have eaten low calories, just slightly higher than starvation mode)
Have you talked with your regular doctor about this desire? Sometimes they have tricks to try or others who may be able to help you. I know that when I talked to my regular doctor about wanting to be at a healthy weight she set me up with an appt with a nutritionist. Good luck and my fingers are crossed for you. :hug:
These are some great tips. An important thing to keep in mind while aiming to lose weight is that you should not change your lifestyle overnight. It’s very important to keep yourself hydrated, to get enough sleep and not to let yourself starve!
I've always wondered, Cross-Stitch Gal, why an automatic consultation with a nutritionist is not part and parcel of the treatment for Crohn's? I think we should advise all newbies on this site to ask for a referral to a nutritionist and to demand coverage by their insurances.
I saw a dietician a few weeks ago, she was useless. I am not sure if we have a resident nutrionist or not.

I think i hve figured out that while i am feeling good, that i exercise as much as i can so the days i am not, it doesnt creep back up on me so fast....kwim?

good advice here!!!
I've always wondered, Cross-Stitch Gal, why an automatic consultation with a nutritionist is not part and parcel of the treatment for Crohn's? I think we should advise all newbies on this site to ask for a referral to a nutritionist and to demand coverage by their insurances.

I'll never understand why this is being ignored in most hospitals, diet is needed to promote healing and it seems the better people eat the less issues they are having. Especially people who want to gain instead of lose weight, there are so many tricks like adding supplements like glutamine and creatine that make it easier to put on some weight, or simply using some shakes or a balanced diet.

What's even more silly is that things like glutamine / creatine / glucose supplements are actually commonly used in hospital to help rehabilitation, but for crohn people deem it unnecessary to give people help if they need it, why I don't know.
Sugar and carbs are what make us pack on the lbs. Healthy fats like in peanuts and avacados are good for you. (I always thought I couldnt eat peanuts until I tried some in remission. I can eat things like this when no inflammation is present)

I was also overweight until I found the SCD diet.

Perhaps you could try some gluten free comfort foods made with Almond flours and coconut flours. (Yes nuts hurt me too when I am flaring but not if they are ground up into a flour) i know of MANY delicious gluten free sugar free recipes for cookies cakes and breads if you are interested :) BTW, I swore off carbs and sugar 2 months ago and lost 20 lbs eating as much as i wanted of all the sugar free carb free food i wanted :)

Good luck to you and don't get discouraged. Losing weight is hard. I am no expert in anything else but my experience :) I struggled with my weight all my life and for the first time, I dont even step on the scale anymore! And I lived on the scale lol
I don't know. I saw one to try to obtain and keep a healthy weight. She did have some good tips. But, unfortunately with me being sick for so long I still dropped down way low. My husband and I (if you can imagine it) actually ate almost too healthy on our weekend. Mostly fruits and vegetables. But, now we do our best to add in a little meat with it.

For awhile I bought some carnation instant breakfast supplement shakes that they had at Kaiser. But, they got too expensive and I had a hard time getting to where they had them in order to purchase them. So, I started getting my work's brand of boost/ensure, they taste a little different then that but are cheaper and have as many calories.
Protein helps you feel fuller longer so increasing that along with the cardio will help but you're also trying to loose just a little bit more. Every time someone gets close to their goal it takes longer to get there. All you can really do is keep at it. Its a lifestyle change. If you go back to the old routine you'll gain it back. Can't yoyo with the dieting/exercise.
You say your diet mostly consists of carbs? How come?

(I'm reading Robb Wolf's paleo diet and its a interesting read thus far)
My guess would be that she may be in a flare and that's one of the few things she can tolerate (rice, toast, maybe apple sauce etc.). To me it sounded like she was aware that the carbs turn into sugar and burn off too quickly making weight loss difficult.
Well, if you’re looking for a low carb diet plan, you might want to consider the Dukan diet. It’s divided over 4 stages and is a high protein, low carb diet that works wonders, if I do say so myself. I’m just about a month into the diet and I’ve lost 9 pounds already! It’s very easy to follow and I can assure you, you won’t feel hungry at all. It really takes care of your snacking urges. Stick to the diet, don’t even once think about giving up, and watch your weight melt right off.
thanks for all the replies! i havent been on here in weeks.

I was going through a definete rough spot a while ago and i think things have settled down and i seem to be feeling better.

I started working out daily. Generally treadmill or bike. I started biking 6km and now am up to 12km. So know i am doing something right. I am finding even if i dont feel 100 % i still workout and it doesnt make it worse. So i am going with that for now.

I eat al ot of carbs cause at the moment that seems to be the type of food that doesnt bother me as much. I do eat my meats and cooked veggies.

I finally saw my GI and we are getting closer to treatment.....ONE more test!!

So hoping that soon i will just feel better!

I may give up temporairly, but in the long run i know i have to exerrcise and watch my diet. I seem to have a lot on my plate right now and i think the stress of it all is just getting to me.

I honestly cannot wait for school to go back and get MY routine back.

it will be alot calmer then.

I have been reading about SCD and Paelo and honeslty dont think at this point in my life that i can stick with them totally.

But it doesnt mean that i dont consider it.

Again thanks for all the replies.......
You can lose weight!

I know that some of you lose weight too easily. And for that i am really sorry.

But how the heck do you lose weight when your diet consists of mostly carbs???

I have been working out, except when i cant. I am tracking my food and keeping my calories within a reasonable range. My fat gets a little high some days but not every day.

And i havent budged a single pound in a good 3 months.

i am so fed up. I am so sick and tired of being fat. I hate it. I really do hate it.

I know how to lose weight. I do!! I lost over 60 lbs when my daughter was little. All i want to do is get back to that weight. The weight i was last summer. a simple 15 lbs. Hell at this point i'd be happy with 5lbs.

I cant fit into my summer clothes and for anyone who knows how hot it has been here....that isnt a good thing!!!

NONE of my shorts fit. Everything i wear makes me feel and look huge.

I have a wedding coming up i have to attend in two weeks. My goal was to lose 5lbs by then so the capris i have fit me......NOPE

I am so down over this today. I hate my body. I hate being sick. I hate everything right now.......

Hi, I have crohn's and my Dr. told me you can eat any diet you want, just avoid things that get you going alot. For me, it's fried foods. I am very overweight and I started cutting out all white starches (breads and pasta). I buy rice noodles if I want pasta. I don't use anything with sugar or high fructose corn syrup in it or preservatives. I eat all whole foods. No fake foods like margerine and boxed crap. I have lost 9 lbs. just from doing this and I eat as much as before. Just avoid the bad stuff. Use olive oil and real butter only. Xtra virgin coconut oil is great for on toast and is very good for you. Avoid any snacks other than fruit and veg. I only use stevia as a sweetener as it doesn't raise blood sugars. Try this and you will lose weight. No bottled salad dressings either! Good luck! Teresa Also eat whole grain rice and bread. No boxed cereals.
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I have the same problem. I've gained 45lbs since I started Remicade 7 months ago. And I was at a healthy weight. I never lose weight while flaring. I just don't understand how I can have diarrhea multiple times a day and still gain weight so fast. It sucks.

thats all good advice. If i could eat fruits and veggies. But i cant. I used to do taht, and lost a ton of weight. I am doing better now. I am working out more and trying to eat smart. I also cant eat any grains or whole wheat.

But its all abuot figuring out what i can eat i guess........i am learning that. Trial and error.
For ontario mom

Hi ontariomom,
If you can't give up the white starches, just try giving up sugar. Sugar is terrible for crohn's anyway. It feeds yeast and yeast breeds infections. That's why I disagree with the eating of white breads and pastas. But, if you have to, you have to. But giving up processed food and sugar and high fructose corn syrup or sugar in everything including ketchup would help you lose weight while still eating the white carbs. Stevia is the only safe sweetener too, other's make you gain weight too because they raise blood sugar levels. They also have dangerous chemicals in them. Try taking chromium picolinate'it helps speed up metabolism. Also, if you can take cinnamon capsules after you eat carbs they keep blood sugar levels down too. They are good for your tummy too. But of course, ask your Dr. if these are ok. I really hope this helps. I am losing slowly. 9lbs. in a month. Next I am going to start back on my treadmill a little at a time. It's been awhile. God bless! Teresa
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hope this helps you!

I have the same problem. I've gained 45lbs since I started Remicade 7 months ago. And I was at a healthy weight. I never lose weight while flaring. I just don't understand how I can have diarrhea multiple times a day and still gain weight so fast. It sucks.

Steph ,check out my advice to ontariomom. It is working for me and I don't feel deprived at all. Hope this helps. You are a very pretty girl and don't look heavy! Teresa:rosette1:
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Thanks. I do try and watch my sugar intake. I find that too much sugar doesn't sit well with my stomach. I have very limited sauces of any kind. Ketchup,bbq etc. I try and limit my bread and crackers. Trying to eat more soup. But I tell u in this hot weather a pb sandwich sounds more appealing. Pasta I have eaten rice pasta before when I was on a gluten free diet and did like it. Although I do gfind it pricey.

Thanks for all the suggestions
I never lose weight while flaring. I just don't understand how I can have diarrhea multiple times a day and still gain weight so fast. It sucks.

It's truly amazing isn't it? How can the body expel gallons of liquid and not lose anything?? I was in a flare last week. Much to my surprise I lost 2 lbs but that's not typical. Most of the time I don't lose anything. It's frustrating to feel so awful and not even get the reward of some weight loss at the end. Meh.
Ontariomom: I am in a similar position to you at the moment I am desperate to lose weight I know exactly what I have to do but I am not yet in the right frame of mind.
I think this has a lot to do with sucsess when losing weight I would leave it untill you feel completely ready otherwise you will just let yourself down or disappoint yourself and make it more difficult. I am doing the same at the moment I know mentally I am not ready so I am leaving it until I am prepared.
Stress takes a major toll on my eating when I am happy my weight is fine when I am unhappy I comfort eat and put on weight then I feel unhappy and eat more. I am by no means overweight and I get told all the time I am fine but it doesn't make you feel any better inside.
I hope you get the results you want but in the time your mind and body need, dont put to much pressure on yourself x
Obviously, burning more calories than you intake is rule number one. Make sure you drink plenty of water, stay away from salty foods, stay away from carbs in the evening. Carbs are not bad in moderation. Eat your carbs at lunch and breakfast and stick to a light dinner and dont eat anything after 8. You need to make sure and portion your meals and eat at least 5 times a day. Eat breakfast every.morning, It's very important for your metabolism to stay level throughout the day, and you do that by eating 5 -8 small meals a day. People think eating less will shed weigh when in fact, eating helps you lose weight, just gotta know how. Feel free to message me and I will be glad to help with anything.
It's truly amazing isn't it? How can the body expel gallons of liquid and not lose anything?? I was in a flare last week. Much to my surprise I lost 2 lbs but that's not typical. Most of the time I don't lose anything. It's frustrating to feel so awful and not even get the reward of some weight loss at the end. Meh.

It's the guys that lose the weight from everything! They give up soda and lose 20 lbs. I gave up soda years ago and lost nothing. They just have better metabolism's.My hubby eats half of a pan of cake everyday and doesn't gain. He claims because he is more active. He doesn't see everything I do all day long!!! Teresa:frown:
Hey! I hope I can add a little insight to this already insightful thread. I am a Personal Trainer. I did notice you said you are eating a lot carbs. Carbs do turn to sugar and then to fat. You may be just gaining muscle from the strength training, but you should still be losing after a period of time. Also, your age and hormones may be off or out of whack. Stress hormones, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone may all be low or up. You may want to get those checked?
But how the heck do you lose weight when your diet consists of mostly carbs???

you don't, carbs make you gain weight, and they make you sick,

you will loose weight naturally on a low carb diet and your crohn's will probably improve.

go paleo and eat as much as you want