How hard do you go on the endone?

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May 23, 2011
how hard do you go on the endone?

hey crohn disease playaz, how hard do you go on your endone pills? i wonder if im up to scratch...

i can eat crumpets now ! cool, little pain...

David Robertson.
Telephone: 0422 121 822
Email: [email protected]
Skype: dr50376272
Address: R106/390 Simpsons Road, Bardon, QLD, Australia, 4065.
Hi dr50376272, you talk about endone alot in your posts mate. i hope you don't just rely on them to help your pain because it's highly addictive and only meant for strong pain there are other less addicitive analgesic meds like panadol,tramadol or slighlty stronger panadeine forte which are still effective for pains but not as potent and safer for more mild pain without the dangerous addiction potential. endone is oxycodone which is a strong painkiller and not meant to be taken unless it is absolutely necessary and your pain is severe. that being said to answer your question i am usually given it by my doctors when i'm in hospital or in a painful flare up (about once a month) until my steriods and other crohns medications start to take effect and reduce my abdominal pain as well as my other symptoms and even then i'm probably on let's say about 4-5 pills a day max for a couple of days before i stop and go back to panadol or tramadol as needed. you need to be careful not to be taking them unless you are in really strong pain or else you are setting yourself up for addiction/dependency and other problems that will not help you stay in good health in the long run. Be careful and look after yourself mate, if you have crohns disease you don't want to end up addicted to painkillers as well as your life will already be hard enough to stay on top of it all as it is. As long as you're using endone as a last resort for your pain and trying other avenues to help you, like change of diet, excersise, anti-spasmodics meds first then i'd say you're "up to scratch". But if you take it all the time even when you don't need it i'd say it's time to talk to your doctor about other safer pain management methods to go along with any other medicine you are on for your condition or else you'll end up being sorry for it. Best of luck mate - Tim

yeah i know, today i had to pop 4 of the suckers.
panadeine forte is weak, no effect on me, same with panadol. i even tried medical marijuana but that sucked.
endone rocks, and i not addicted, i dont take it when there is no pain.
only when im in pain.

Hi dr50376272, you talk about endone alot in your posts mate. i hope you don't just rely on them to help your pain because it's highly addictive and only meant for strong pain there are other less addicitive analgesic meds like panadol,tramadol or slighlty stronger panadeine forte which are still effective for pains but not as potent and safer for more mild pain without the dangerous addiction potential. endone is oxycodone which is a strong painkiller and not meant to be taken unless it is absolutely necessary and your pain is severe. that being said to answer your question i am usually given it by my doctors when i'm in hospital or in a painful flare up (about once a month) until my steriods and other crohns medications start to take effect and reduce my abdominal pain as well as my other symptoms and even then i'm probably on let's say about 4-5 pills a day max for a couple of days before i stop and go back to panadol or tramadol as needed. you need to be careful not to be taking them unless you are in really strong pain or else you are setting yourself up for addiction/dependency and other problems that will not help you stay in good health in the long run. Be careful and look after yourself mate, if you have crohns disease you don't want to end up addicted to painkillers as well as your life will already be hard enough to stay on top of it all as it is. As long as you're using endone as a last resort for your pain and trying other avenues to help you, like change of diet, excersise, anti-spasmodics meds first then i'd say you're "up to scratch". But if you take it all the time even when you don't need it i'd say it's time to talk to your doctor about other safer pain management methods to go along with any other medicine you are on for your condition or else you'll end up being sorry for it. Best of luck mate - Tim
It sounds like you need to talk to your doctor about getting to the root of the pain - -NOT just popping more pain medications.....probably changing up your other medications.....
if you're like me and most people with inflammatory bowel problems when your stomach/intestines are inflammed/flaring it's pretty hard to absorb most drugs and nutrients from food etc,etc to a normal degree and there have been times when my guts were inflammed and out of kilter to the point that taking 2-3 endones at a time wouldn't feel anymore effective than if i had taken panadol, even though it probably did help me calm me down a bit more than panadol. If something as strong as panadeine forte isn't doing the job (and lets face it, it is a strong, effective painkiller to most people for mild, moderate pain) i'd be checking that your other crohns meds are doing there job properly as it could be an issue of malabsorption. If you can't find relief without having endone on a daily basis and it worries you maybe you should find a pain management specialist who might be able to offer up other solutions and work along with your GI and GP to help you with a safe treatment plan. Pain specialists are usually anesthetists who have had special training in helping people chronic pain and will make sure you are on safe dosage levels and not doing any harm. But most of all be careful and look after yourself. that's the best advice/ideas i can think of mate. hope your pain and all settles down and you find the answers you're looking for. Best wishes - Tim

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