How long barium follow through?

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Nov 9, 2009
Hey all,

I had a barium swallow done Friday and in total it took an hour. I had my swallow and then drank another cup and half of barium - had x ray for follow through. They said a doc would come down and tell me when next scan would be in - doc came down 5 mins later and said I was finished just to go for one more scan so from start to finish 1 hour! Is this the norm or a bit quick? A girl beside me was still there when I was leaving and she was in her 3rd hour for the same test. They confirmed reflux and that was all. Have my follow up in ibd clinic in 2 weeks for results. They are suspecting crohns from a colonoscopy but biopsies were clear despite visual inflamation so this is the reason for barium meal and follow through.

Last time I was in the hospital it took over 24 hrs for the barrium to pass.

But then again I had a stricture.
An hour huh? I dunno, my tests for that always took many hours, not just because I had a hard time drinking the stuff *barf* but because they wanted some time to pass so it would have enough time to work its way through the intestines. I try to stay away from any doc who flips patients. If you're in doubt, a second opinion is always a good thing.
My last small bowel follow-through was just about an hour too.
Sometimes that stuff just slides right on through and they
can get the pics they need in a couple of x-rays. :)
That's about how long my last SBFT was, as well. Mine just seemed to pass quicker, there was another guy there doing the same test and he was there longer than I was.
I was there for about 3 hours, but they also had me sitting on the stretcher/bed in the hospital and no one mentioned the idea of walking to get it moving faster. Plus, I'm not sure if it took long for them to come get me sometimes because they were also doing other patients as well. But, the time seemed to go by quickly to me.
Thanks for the replies. Did this particular test confirm ibd for any of ye when biopsies from colonoscopy were clear? Thanks
I was already diagnosed when I had my barium follow-through (just last week when I was hospitalized for partial obstruction), so I can't really answer that from first hand experience. But, it can be a helpful tool since colonoscopies aren't always able to see ito the small intestine where many people have their disease (like me). My CT scans and the barium follow through showed the narrowing and fistulas that could not be seen with colonoscopy.
Mine took maybe two hours. I had one done so my GI could make sure the Crohn's was only in my large intestine. So far it stays there and hasn't popped up in my small intestine.
Last fall i took me about 3 hours which I thought was pretty good. Last month it took 5.5 hours and I have narrowings/strictures going on from inflammation more than likely.

To have it done in an hour is REALLY quick unless they didn't follow it all the way, or if you've had much bowel removed.
minky said:
Thanks for the replies. Did this particular test confirm ibd for any of ye when biopsies from colonoscopy were clear? Thanks

They saw inflammation and suspected Crohns but sent me to a GI specialist where they did both an upper and lower scope and confirmed Crohns. This was like 19 years ago.
Thanks for the replies. I have got an apt with the IBD clinic now this month so I will know more in a few weeks. Cheers
That didn't take long at all, that was quick. I go tomorrow and my instruction sheet said it will take anywhere from 2 -5 hours for the SBFT.

I'm usually out in 2 hours but a little worried this time because I drank the laxative to clean out and it's just not coming out very quick so hope nothing ends up delayed..

All the best on your appt.
Hi Daisy,

On my sheet it said to expect to stay for up to 4 hours. I have my apt with the IBD clinic now on wed so will know more then. I will post to let ye know whether they will say crohns or IBS. I had thickening of the bowel on a CAT scan in August, then there was inflamation on a colonoscopy in October but biopsies were clear so they are doing a SBFT to really diagnose etc so I have no idea what to expect next Wed.
Best of luck with your test, hopefully the laxatives will kick in soon for you
Mine usually go thru less than an hour! One time the tech said are you missing anything in there? LOL, I said yes, easier to tell you what is left.. giggle, but it is because I had 2 resections and boy it went thru like speedy Gazolas sp lol.
I had one yesterday and it went through in about two hours. I only walked around once though. Did anyone else have to take a laxative afterwards? I had to take one before the procedure and really didn't want to take another one, but the nurse told me if I didn't that the barium could possibly harden, so I went ahead and took it a few hours after I got home.
No, I kinda wish I had taken a laxative because pretty sure mine hardened. When I was finally able to pass a proper BM it was all cooky-looking. White and not at all shaped like a turd! Haha. It looked like when you squeeze out toothpaste except hard! Haha. Ok too much info, but I found it so amusing I called my husband in to look and he was like "Weird!"
Woah! That is weird! Barium does weird stuff to your poo, yesterday after I came home from the hospital I had really bad D, and it was completely white. I was like :eek2: .
Mine was 40 mins!! But it showed no narrowing or strictures. I have nothing removed either.

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