How long do the meds take?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 2, 2014
Not quite sure where to post this question! I was hospitalised just over two weeks ago and diagnosed with colitis and they won't know whether it's Crohns or UC until my biopsies come back, they started me on prednisolone and pentasa and I can take paracetamol four times a day, but I don't feel any better at all? Do they take longer than a couple of weeks to get things to a manageable level?
I'm afraid that especially at first they may take a little longer to kick in and eventually get you settled. Also, it depends on how sick you are when you start taking the medications. The best way to describe it is; you didn't get sick in a hurry so you won't get better in a hurry either. I've been there. Sending lots of hugs your way.

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