How long until Infeximab kicks in.

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Sep 21, 2013
Just a query. I've just had my third infusion of infleximab. I was on 6mp then aza and stopped it on the day of my first infusion. All was going grand the first couple of weeks as the nausea subsided and I felt I was on the road to recovery. Just before infusion number three I started bloating and cramping and yesterday presence of blood on the toilet paper and pain. Today I'm really sore and pretty deflated that maybe it's not working. I hadn't bleed for months on the 6mp, although I had to spend untold time off work due to nausea.
Just how long does it take for Infleximab to really get cranking.
Cheers- Dackelmann.
Talk with your doctor. Especially if you are bleeding. Your still in the loading dose period, sometimes in can take 6 months for meds to build up in your system enough to become therapeutic. Are you on any other meds in the meantime?
Thanks afidz- I've just checked, I have an appointment with the GI in a couple of days. No other meds apart from mesalasine - they made me stop the aza the day of my 1st infusion. My Gi is so nonchalant about everything I don't have that much faith in his pronouncements.
Cheers - Kenneth.
I just have my 2nd infusion yesterday.
We share some reactions: bloating, weak, nausea.
And I do not see significant improvement yet, neither.
Hope the best for us.
yeah David- I think patience is the key- my system has calmed down again a week after my 3rd infusion. Less bloating, etc. I really freaked out when i started bleeding again last week with feelings of doom. Just felt fatigued for 3 days after the infusion. I hope you get a lessening in the bloating, etc as well.
cheers- El Dacko.
I didn't feel a real change until infusion number 4 and it was until 5 or 6 before I really felt better.
I think it would depend on how bad off you are. I have been in a flare for almost 2 years now (off and on because other meds barely worked or not at all, insurance changes leaving space between doses etc). I am a real mess right now, so messed up I can't really eat.

I think I have something like 30 mouth sores, my tongue is so sensitive, even air hurts. My throat is sore, and I now have dsyphagia (can't swallow much of anything) all thanks to my Crohns. I also am losing blood and going to the restroom 10-12 times per day. My skin is breaking out (Crohn's affects my skin often), I have no energy, etc etc

I had my first infusion Monday (2 days ago) and I've already seen a positive effect. I went to the bathroom 3 times today (granted I haven't been eating). My mouth is a little bit better, but I feel better and have more energy.

I start Imuran today as well to help. I just hope the improvements last :/

I'll also say that I just started (two weeks before the infusions) following the book "controlling crohn's disease the natural way" and it has worked wonders for my sister who followed it religiously for a year, now is med free with the okay for her GI. SHe was diagnosed with severe crohn's. I however, have been following it and its f*ing hard to be honest, you have to be disciplined, but it does seem to be working. I would say you still need meds to get you healthy enough to tolerate the food in the diet - some of the food is tough to digest so cooking and prep is important. I am aiming to use the remicade and imuran as a stepping stone! I hate side effects and my luck with drugs "working" is bad. I don't know if that is why my remicade took effect so quickly b/c all I eat is brown rice at the moment, but I don't care as long as I feel better.

What you describe with bleeding in-between sounds like its not strong enough to make it to the next dosing cycle. You may ask about adding the imuran (aza) to your treatment in the mean time to help carry you through.

Good luck to you!
Responses as you can see will run the gamut. Some notice a change right away, others several weeks. Generally most doctors will likely give a minimum trial of 3 months before throwing in the towel

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