How often do you get a colonoscopy?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 28, 2012
Sorry if this is too personal as i am new to this forum. :blush:
How often does your doc. want you to have one? When your sick? and in remission?
My old doc. did it every 4 years, unless i got sick. My new doc. requires it to be done every 2 even if your in remisssion. I think that might be too much, what do you think?
Once a year is not too much. Every time there is a major flare up too. In the hospital, I once had a colonoscopy 2 days in a row.

I don't have to worry about ever having another colonoscopy. :ysmile:
I waited way too long for a colonoscopy. I dont even know the last time I've had one but its been atleast 5 years. I know of a few people that get them yearly and I think I might start getting one more frequent as well. Just to be safe. I have one booked for March 29th.
ok - I thought I had posted here!

I get one yearly - used to be every 2 years, but since I've had this disease for over 30 years, I've gone to yearly to make sure any changes are caught early.....
the more the better really if there is any problems they can be treated, and it shows your new doctor is trying to give you very good treatment...

some people dont get offered them at all and they are only done when in a really bad flair

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