How often do your kids see the opthamologist?

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Mar 22, 2013
We were advised to take our son once a year, by the GI doc, but after being given a perfect bill of (eye) health yesterday, the opthamologist said that he would like to see my son back in 3 to 6 months.

We plan to stick to yearly check-ups, unless our son has a problem, but I was curious what other parents do.

we take the kids yearly to have eyes checked and seems to be the norm unless a problem i suppose. xx
WE see them every 3 months- you really need to stay on top of it.
They dont reccomend every 3 months just for fun.
We have yet to see an ophthalmologist! We just switched GI's this year and after having Crohn's for 4 1/2 years, this new GI was the first to ever mention an ophthalmologist. Our first appt is scheduled for May 1st and our GI told us to go yearly. It will be interesting to see what the ophthalmologist says...
Why would someone with Crohn's need to go more often than someone else?

Our GI said Crohn's can cause a variety of eye issues from inflammation to blindness. In many cases, it's just a matter of catching it early and treating it before it becomes a problem. Also, pred can increase risk for glaucoma and cataracts. So, I guess I can understand an ophthalmologist wanting to see a patient more often than annually, especially if they've been flaring.
We are every six months. No problems to date. Hope it stays that way!!!!!
Anyone know much the risk of glaucoma is increased by pred, sarah grandmother is blind due glaucoma she developed in her early 20s.

Does glaucoma run in families?
Yes glaucoma does run in families.
One of the things DS is checked for is eye pressure .
Due to increased use of pred .
Optometrist did not "catch" ds inflammation.
Only the ophthalmologist .
Ds has limbal vernal keratoconjunctivitis which requires regular topical steroids in his case.
Optometrist did not "catch" ds inflammation.
Only the ophthalmologist .
Ds has limbal vernal keratoconjunctivitis which requires regular topical steroids in his case.

I knew that was coming. The nearest ophthalmologist to us doesn't see kids. I don't know if one is in Anchorage, but if so, probably a long waiting list. Even so, I know I should look into it...
I hear ya...
We were not too keen on seeing the opthamalogist but at the time his allergist strongly suggested he needed to see an MD eye doc.
Thankfully they got him in quick when I called . He had already built up scar tissue on his eyes from years of repeated inflammation .
We did thank the allergist for recognizing something was wrong even if he didn't know what that something was.
MLP, did your son have eye symptoms? What is the risk of her having something wrong if she is asymptomatic and her Crohn's is in good control?
He had eye symptoms since age 2. So 5 years before dx.
He saw an allergist who thought allergic conjunctivitis .
He also saw an optometrist yearly from age three on - who said nothing.
His inflammation in his eyes is not directly related to his Ibd as far as we know.
More of a DS tends to be an inflamed ( mast cell active ) kid ( allergies, asthma skin stuff etc...)
Not sure what the risks are for the average Ibd kid.
We were told 6-9 month for her.
Her Pediatric Ophthalmologist said with colitis it's important to make sure the inflammation doesn't effect their eyes. I've also read where eye inflammation can be a precursor to a flare.
Josh's doctors have never told us to see an ophthalmologist, despite having iritis twice [ a very painful side affect of crohns in the eye ]
He does seem the optician once a year as he wears glasses anyway, but no one yet has taken the iritis seriously. I may have to look more into this.
Our kids used to get checked yearly but it has been changed to every 2 years unless problems arise. I think it's because eye tests are now free for kids they are trying to do as few as possible :smile:. I phoned Andrew's optician and they said there is no need to be sooner even though he has Crohn's
My husband has eye specialist, will arrange a referral for Sarah. Thank you for posting this thread.
C has episcleritis with his CD. Dusty and Jennifer get credit for that dx since they posted the info on here that made me realize C's eye issues weren't allergies. Ophthalmologist agreed episcleritis and we go every 6 mos.

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