How on Earth...?

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Feb 17, 2015
New Zealand - Franklin Cnty
Before I get to the question, there's a background story. In Aug. 2013 I had a big ileocaecal resection. It went well and healed well, no dramas. In the June, with CRP over 100, I'd been admitted to hospital after a colonography showed a big mass in the ileal small bowel. I had full workups, including gynae, because I was having slight vaginal bleeding and I was 66. Included in that was a pelvic ultrasound. The bladder wasn't in the picture because, after the prep drinks, I'd been kept waiting in radiology for 4 hours while they were dealing with a lass who was in the throes of a miscarriage. Eventually, I simply HAD to pee and there were no facilities to get a drink of water to replenish. (An empty bladder doesn't show up on ultrasound.) Anyway, the gynae results were A1 - "marvellous for your age", etc.

Fast forward to December 2013, when I started having severe pain passing water and my pee was coming out frothy. Dr gave me an antibiotic for UTI that didn't clear it up. Shortly after, I began breaking wind from the front passage. Literally, as I walked, it would be going "pop!pop!pop!". As I had two diverticulae in the sigmoid bend, that I'd seen with my own eyes during a colonoscopy the year before, I suspected I had a fistula from one of those through to the bladder.

I first raised it with my GE doctor the next month (Jan. 2014). His comment was "I'm not a gynaecologist". Nor did he refer me to one, nor to a urologist. CRP at that stage was in the high 20s, which he thought was OK. I put myself on 80K units of cranberry tabs. Nothing improved and, by the end of April, the urine was brown and smelt of poo.

Meanwhile, I'd developed a partial blockage, with chronic constipation and my small and large bowels were so dilated I looked 10 mths pregnant. Saw the GE dr again in June; he ordered a CT scan in July; in Aug., having been unable to keep food or water down for 2 weeks or pass a BM for a month, and refluxing faecal matter, with CRP in high 70s, I was admitted for another CT scan, followed by emergency surgery to get rid of the diverticulae, which had fused together across the bowel and blocked it totally. I was pretty lucky, as the surgeon took just the sigmoid bend and I lost only about 30cm of colon. I woke up with a colostomy. When the surgeon visited, I asked him about the bladder. He said there was no involvement with the sigmoid.

It took a lot longer to get past this surgery than the previous one. I came home without relief from the urinary tract problem. Six months later, my condition is better than I can remember. I'm still getting UTIs and peeing froth, although the urine is a good colour and not smelly. Because I still have the rectum and anus intact, I pass wind and mucous from there from day to day, especially if the stoma is having a particularly busy time. When I do, I also do the "front farting" and get an urgent need to urinate. I'm not incontinent, but I do have to heave hard on the pelvic floor to make it in time.

My GP did a speculum exam recently while she was doing my regular smear test. (All clear, that.) She noticed that the uterus was prolapsing slightly. Given the clean bill I had 18mths ago at the gynae workup, this is new. I think I probably caused that with all those months of straining to pass BMs last year. Darn! She has given me Ovestin cream which she thinks might help the prolapse.

Now, the question that all this was leading up to: How on Earth can I get UTIs when I have a colostomy?
I am so sorry to hear of all you have been through hun. :ghug:

Do you mean that because you don’t pass faecal matter through your anus that you don’t know why you are getting UTI’s?

If so then the answer to that is there is more than one way to get a UTI.
The urethra in a female is not a lengthy tube, about 4-5cm long compared to the male which is 20cm long, hence why women are plagued by them far more than men. It doesn’t help that the urinary system is sterile whereas the surrounding structures of the vagina and bowel aren’t.

  • Are you sexually active? If so then sexual intercourse can cause UTI’s which is why it recommended that following vaginal sex you go to the toilet and empty your bladder.
  • Vaginal infections can cause UTI’s.
  • Even though you aren’t passing faecal matter through your anus you are still passing mucous and that may cause infection.
  • Do you wear pads for your periods or anal leakage? If so then any discharge will come into contact with your urethra plus wearing a pad creates an enclosed moist environment which is perfect for bacteria. Tight fitting clothes and pantry hose without a cotton gusset creates a similar environment, particularly in warmer weather.
  • I see you are on Azathioprine, that is an immunosuppressant so it may be reducing your body’s natural ability to help fight infection off.
  • Finally, with frothy urine and a UTI's have they definitively ruled out a fistula?
Dusty. xxx
Dusty, thanks for your sympathy - but I think I'm pretty lucky compared to a lot of Crohnsies. You've answered my question - yes, I do wear pads to absorb the anal mucus. Now I have to figure out something different for that, don't I? (I should have mentioned that the UTIs are always e.coli).

As for the possibility of a fistula at the *other* end, the GE doctor considered that when he ordered the CT scan in July. But really, he's been a non-participant since then. It was my GP who sent me to hospital, finally, because I was dying and nothing had happened about a surgery appointment that the GE dr was supposed to arrange. So we know only that there's no fistula from the sigmoid side.

She has looked up the appointments for the clinics and saw that I have a GE appointment in April....9 months since the I have quite a bunch of questions for him....especially now that I have a :strawberry: that he had nothing to do with. :wink:
TBH I just don’t like the frothy urine bit as that would normally point to air in the bladder :( and ruling out the sigmoid colon means they have left the ileum untouched as a source for a fistula. E. Coli rules in a perianal source or an internal source - fistula.

Even with wearing pads you shouldn’t have recurrent UTI’s. Occasional sure and some women do seem to suffer with them more than others. Do you take Cranberry capsules or drink Cranberry juice?

Dusty. xxx
TBH I just don’t like the frothy urine bit as that would normally point to air in the bladder :( and ruling out the sigmoid colon means they have left the ileum untouched as a source for a fistula. E. Coli rules in a perianal source or an internal source - fistula.
Exactly. In fact, originally (Jan. 2014) the GE thought there might be a fistula from the site of the ileal surgery, as part of the Crohns-damaged bowel was left in the anastamosis, which he'd been unhappy about.
Even with wearing pads you shouldn’t have recurrent UTI’s. Occasional sure and some women do seem to suffer with them more than others. Do you take Cranberry capsules or drink Cranberry juice?
The UTIs are recurrent but sporadic. I take buckets of cranberry juice and 80K units in tabs every day, along with kiwifruit and avocado, so I'm getting the D-mannose. In hospital I had no juice or fruit at all, other than what was in yoghurt that my husband brought in. I was on a catheter for 10 days, 2 pre-surgery and 8 after. No froth in the catheter anyone's guess what's going on now.

When I do eventually see the GE in April, I'm not going to let him get away with "I'm not a gynaecologist" with regard to this bladder problem. At the time, I thought he was joking, but what if he wasn't? {{shudder}} To be fair, if he wasn't joking, maybe there's a reason why he made that comment, i.e., I had raised the question of the ultrasound in that context and perhaps he doesn't get to see that report. All guesswork, at best.

Apart from the bladder thing, I feel great, better than I can remember being for years and years. I really do feel that the Crohns is in remission, for now at least. My GP is a gem, so it's easy for me to take a dose of patience, keep up the d-Mannose and wait this out for a couple more months.
I hope the appointment goes well in April hun and you can get to the bottom of the problem. :ghug:

Good to hear you have a fab GP, makes all the difference in the world ay?

And kudos to you! you sound very level headed and grounded and that will serve you well. :thumleft:

Dusty. xxx

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