Thank you, I appreciate your effort.
I’m aware of Pravda’s work through Healingwell forum.
“Enema formulation
The enema was formulated by adding the following components to a standard 60-milliliter enema bottle containing 4 g of mesalamine (5-ASA) from which 20 milliliters were removed (and discarded): (1) 15 milliliters of 1 molar sodium butyrate (1.7 g); (2) 5 milliliters of sodium cromolyn (total 100 mg); and (3) 1 milliliter of budesonide (5 mg/mL). Gentle swirling should follow the addition of each component to ensure uniform dispersal. The total ending volume is 61 milliliters. The combination enema is easily made by a compounding pharmacist. We only used the original enema bottle containing mesalamine to formulate this therapy as other bottles may have residual chemicals that can worsen UC.”
I have been following a strict diet for years that’s been crucial for my health.
I have written about the rectal stump in two other threads.
1-) Sodium BHB (by Old Mike)
Mike’s writings are worth reading.
2-) Dual biologics:
I have been taking sodium BHB for the last two days and the narrowing seems to be getting better. Today, for the very first time, I “passed” through the blocked section in my rectum while inserting a 5-ASA suppository.