How strict does "Induction period" need to be?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 5, 2010
Does any of you veteran Remicade users know how strict the Induction period needs to be? It was explained: week 0, week 2, then week 6... then every 6-8 after that. If my son has to miss getting it next week...making it 5 weeks from his last infusion instead of 4 weeks, will that make a big difference...with it being his 'induction period' doses?
While I was getting my first induction doses....I missed my second one because I was sick with a cold. So...they got it in me as soon as they could. I definatley know that its working....however, Ive had some symptoms creep back up, and drs speculate that my body built up immunity to it since I didnt have my induction dosing right. There are ways to help counter act and immunity build higher dose, shorter times between doses.

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