How to avoid a flareup

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Nov 9, 2010
Hi Everyone, Just a question.
I was in hospital recently (15days ago) for about 5 days with a flare up.
I've not been diagnosed long and in the week leading upto hospitalisation my symptoms were Painful abdomen,Lots of gas (sound weird but much more offensive smelling than usual) Very Bloody diahorrea, mouth ulcers, nausea. I was admitted to hospital and my Asacol was upped to 6 x 800mg tabs per day and my pred from 10mg to 30mg a day.
I found that after the first 3 days the symptoms started to go and was discharged. I was told to expect the remaining symptoms to go after about 10 days. I was feeling much better until last night , when the symptoms are appearing again (wind,pain,nausea) i only ate new potatoes/fish and carrotts which i have not had a prob with before. Is it possible im still flaring ? If yes is it likly to get as bad again? and is there anything i can do to stop it ? Really don't think i could handle that again so soon.
I hate to be a bearer of bad news, but you are in a flare up. There's no doubt about that. Crohn's is a beast and some of us have been flaring all their life. You should make an appt with your GI doctor and talk about going on some more aggressive drugs to get it under control. Wish you best of luck dealing with it.:hang:
Yea I need to get into see a doc ASAP. You probably need your meds bumped up, and you need to make sure all your blood work is dont need a secondary infection. I would go low residue diet until you see your doc and figure out why things are going down hill again. Hope you feel better soon~
sorry, but whats a low residue diet.. im learning as i read from this forum since im newly diagnosed
heya ari thanks for answering can you or someone find the one that i need which is high fiber.. so i can look at what foods i need
Yes, I agree you should call our doctor. Have you started to wean off of the Prednesone? That is when I start feeling it again...Don't wait for it to be so bad it takes longer to get back from it...I did and I am regretting it now.

As for diet...I love white bread and chix and eggs, etc...but combined with the Prednesone...I am blowing up like a balloon.

I have such a huge belly. I look pregnant. Does everyone else have a big belly? I hope Aza doesn't make you retain weight!!! I am having trouble finding clothes that look right on me!
Hey , Feeling a bit better now , really think i am not eating the right stuff at the moment.The pred is giving me one hell of a appetite at the moment, So think i am eating far too much, will be giving the low residue diet a go. Seeing my GI again in about 4 weeks for a colonoscopy. Have only just (last 10days) been put on increased doses of asacol and pred so maybe im just being impatient and expecting thing to get better to quickly. Had my bloods done just before leaving hospital and they didn't mention anything abormal.
Joleen23 - SOOO happy to hear you are feeling better. With Prednesone in higher doses - I would be surprised if you didn't have a big appetite. I can sit down to a full meal and then 10 minutes later feel like snacking...hunger pains...but I still have a few months before bathing suit time!
Lol , i know just can't stop eating , getting married in August so really need to get a handle on it or my wedding dress won't fit , Hopefully this whole crohns thing will be slightly more controlled by then :)
A wedding!!! Oh my gosh...Congrats! After I got married I went into close to a 20 year remission. I always had frequent BM's but not a real flare where it got in the way of my life like it is now. I remember having a morning wedding so I wouldn't have to eat anything before the ceremony. Only thing is I had a mimossa with my bridesmaids getting ready and was probably a little bit too "happy" walking down the isle...everyone commented on my big smile...if they only knew! August is still a ways away...u will b fine:)
I hate Prednisone, I have gained 40 lbs in one month!! Can you believe it, I cant stop eating....well, I force myself now, bc I cant gain anymoe weight. I feel like I look prego, and my ****s, wow!! So most men would say, but I hate it. I hope the weights drops off as fast as I blew up.

Low residue diet fo me is mostly liquids, broth, juice, some eggs, pasta....and thats about it. Its the only thing I can do when Im flaring that doesnt kill me, that is if I even feel ok to eat
Thanks , i can't wait to be married , it deffo keeps me smiling on the tough days, Hopefully i'll have 20 years of crohns free bliss afterwards too, BLM i know what you mean my appitite is out of control , just started the low residue thing a couple of days ago so fingers crossed. I've only put on about 4 pounds so really quite lucky but my stomach is so swollen and i have the biggest moonface ever. Just started back at work full time and i can't even keep count of the amount of people who have said to me "oh hasn't your face swollen" It's a good job im not too sensitive lol :)

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