How to handle long car rides with Crohn's Disease

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Aug 25, 2009
i've posted this already but it didn't show up so long story short, i'm driving back to virginia from cleveland this week but i haven't been able to get out of my grandparents house for over a month. it's a ridiculous drive with out many places to stop and i was wondering if anyone has any tips for me with otc meds or nerve pills or if i should take something to get completely cleaned out before i go.

please help.
Shantel said:
1) Have you ever taken Imodium before? If not - give that a shot, it might help if you are having diarrhea.
2) If you are out in the wild blue yonder with no bathroom in sight - there is always the great outdoors! Bring a roll of your favorite toilet paper, find a stand of bushes or trees and, know the rest.
3) And....if you are really having uncontrollable issues....there are always Depends! Hey - we are ALL going to be in them some day - I mean - look at that astronaut chick who wore them just to drive a straight through to Florida.....

Hey - with this disease - decorum be damned sometimes my friend. I find anxiety about things like this usually makes everything so much worse than what it really is. Soooo, make a game plan for yourself that you know will work and calm yourself down so you can get through it!

Oh - and if the urge hits you three exits away from where you know a bathroom is going to be - just use this phrase my husband loves to say (really loudly and obnoxiously to make yourself feel better!) "Butt cheeks don't fail me now!!!!"

1)i did. i tried it on the way up. the gi wouldn't order me anything (tummy wise or anything) and the dr (well nurse practitioner) i see for reg. things ordered me lorazepam (sp) b/c she could tell i was really stressed. the immodium, however, really didn't do anything. it made me want to throw up when i took it. eww. i still think of how it tastes. haha. i was lucky i got to a bathroom when i did. it wasn't a lot, but it just hits quick.
2) it will be mostly on the pa turnpike so there's no where to just pull over and pop a squat.
3) haha. this is true. she was a lunatic tho. haha. that's kind of hard for me tho. i'm 21 so i feel like i "can't" you know? i usually have no shame, but i would feel pretty embarrased. and i don't know if they would fit under my jeans.

i have my nerve pills (which i'm afraid to take) but i'm hoping they won't make me feel really strange. i get a little car sick but not really... like i feel a little gross and the motion is what i think makes me have to go to the bathroom b/c sometimes i can go from when i wake up til midnight with out having to go to the bathroom.

does dramamine stop you up or does it just not make you car/sea sick?
Are you driving yourself or are you going with someone?
I HAD to drive from NY to VA in the middle of an awful flare for my brother's wedding. We took my kid's training potty and put it in the back of the minivan and I used it MANY times on the way.
Good luck - I hope you make it through with no butt problems.
My Butt Hurts said:
Are you driving yourself or are you going with someone?
I HAD to drive from NY to VA in the middle of an awful flare for my brother's wedding. We took my kid's training potty and put it in the back of the minivan and I used it MANY times on the way.
Good luck - I hope you make it through with no butt problems.

my mom is driving. i haven't been able to drive for more than 10 miles alone in a couple years.

Shantel said:
I have never had to take dramamine, so I am not sure about the stopping you up part - I wouldn't count on it. It's too late this trip since you are probably on the road already - but my suggestion is that you take some of these meds before you *need* them to see how they actually make you feel. I sense a lot of anxiety, and the not knowing part of what you are trying to do is getting to you I think, my friend.

If you "can't" do the Depends, you probably aren't going to feel too comfy with the potty (which is a great idea, I've never thought of that!) would be my guess? So, I think we might be out of options for you unfortunately.

Give yourself some time and experiences and you'll figure out how to best handle these things. It is amazing what a few "experiences" make you willing to do.

Wishing you a stop free trip!

i actually haven't left yeat. my grandma called her dr friend today and said how i'm a lot smaller (5'3" and less than 90 lbs) to see if i could be put in the hospital to get intaveinis nutrition b/c i can't gain any weight. i can loose weight, but not gain it. long story short, she told me i was getting admitted so i go, sit around in a bed in the er, and go home 5 hrs later. so i'm not going home now until monnday. the er doc did order me fenigran (sp) to see if that helps. he said it would make me really sleepy so i might sleep for a lot of it and i'm hoping i do.

i can do the potty tho, i hope. my mom got me a bed pan but i would think that would be more uncomfortable to use. would you think a potty would be better? i would think i could line it if i need to use it.

littleone said:
i can do the potty tho, i hope. my mom got me a bed pan but i would think that would be more uncomfortable to use. would you think a potty would be better? i would think i could line it if i need to use it.
Sorry - forgot to mention that part. I lined it with 2 of the thin plastic grocery bags, then 2 paper towels folded twice. That gave 8 layers - enough to soak up pee too. Happy car pooping! (My husband always got out of the car, but oh my poor little kiddos, haha.)
i actually just posted it. haha. umm yeah... i did. i know that's "bad" but i can't tell you how bad i felt. like, ok. so the day of my colonsocpy he ordered me entecort and asacol. well, those worked well enough when i was on both together and from what i've read on the ccfa cite from people (tho i like this one better b/c it seems almost like if it's not clever or a "major" thing, people don't want to answer you) a lot of people were on entecort with their maintanence med for a few months, not just 6 weeks weeks then were ok or realized they need something else. my doc, however, went straight from asacol to humeria. didn't bother to try my on a few more months of steroids w/meds or try lialda or imuran. b/c from what i've read, people that take imuran are the people that can't be on the ther meds w/o steroids (which is why i'm guessing he put me on the humira) but why in the hell would i want to feel that sick! i mean really! i feel sick enough! i have enough people that think i'm anorexic and crap. ugh. frustration. i think when i wrote about that earlier i may have said all of that, if not, well now it'sthere. haha.

it's not even that it's that severe really. my symptoms are pretty awful, which are exacerbated by the fact that i'm as small as i am. the colonoscopy showed "mild crohn's of the small intestine" i've never noticed blood except for today aver i wipped it looked like there was a little bit of watered down blood and like there may have been a little strange looking clot in the toilet... just what i need to start happening! it's mainly the pain, fatigue, and CONSTANTLY feeling like i have to go, even if i haven't gone in a few days. so really, i don't understand why he went from 0-60 that fast! the insurance company ok's just about everything fro me (bc/bs) but you would think they would want us to exhaust all options. that's really awful that you had to wait soo long. i would hit the bottle! haha. no. i'm kidding. it makes me feel too sick when i have even 1 margarita.

i kno right, my mom is pretty awesome. i feel bad for her tho becuase it's like my grandma thinks that she knows soooo much more just b/c she was a nurse and that my mom doesn't do enough and all of this. mind you, she is my maternal grandmother! and it's like she thinks that i need to just say "no, you're admitting me" and the drs with so "a hahuh goarsh. well ooook" haha. like really. i mean come on. they aren't going to admit someone to the hopital just because they're skinny with crohn's. they need to be on deaths door. she tells me i am, but i've seen people skinnier. you kno? i could get more germs and end up sicker if i don't have to be there. either way. i'm 21. my grandmother is not my mother. and i am not a child. it is no business of hers to call her dr and tell them all of my blood test results! ugh!

i don't live too far outside of washington. you would think there would be a lot of fantastic doctors around me... there are not. even in bethesda. i did find one tho that is an IBD specialist. i'mgoing to see if he can take me on. i desperately need it. i haven't considered unc. it's pretty far and we have hopkins an 90-120 mins away. i haven't gone there either tho b/c i would have to leave my house at 5 or 6 to get there by 9 then if i leave at 4, i may not get home til 9 930 b/c traffic is soo so bad. she probably would go the the conference tho but i kind of need her with me. lame, i kno. but i'm not the best cook and won't cook if i feel terrible and my step dad can only make hamburgers and steaks but he can't really grill to save his life, so i think i would starve. haha is it always in september? i would totaly check into that for next year.

it's cool. you may dominate my posts all you want. :) and i'm trying to feel better. i got a multi vitamin! bring on the health!
My Butt Hurts said:
Sorry - forgot to mention that part. I lined it with 2 of the thin plastic grocery bags, then 2 paper towels folded twice. That gave 8 layers - enough to soak up pee too. Happy car pooping! (My husband always got out of the car, but oh my poor little kiddos, haha.)

so like, 2 plastic bags as if it where a trash can and then the paper towels inside the plastic bags so you litterally go on them? i don't think i'd have her stop. haha. it's just me and her and my cat right now. i could so crawl in the back seat and go in the potty on the floor. it may also shave off time so i can get home 30 mins or so sooner. just pull off to throw it out at a good stopping point.
totally bought a kids potty with a cushie seat, take out pan, and a lid(haha) at walmart! i can totaly do the drive.

everyone cross your fingers!
The potty is a fantastic idea. My boyfriends parents live a 6 hour drive away from where we live and he wants us to go there for Christmas this year. My thoughts were originally to take the train but it's ridiculously expensive and I wouldn't be able to take my puppy.

Edit: [crosses fingers and toes]
littleone said:
totally bought a kids potty with a cushie seat
YAY!! HAahaha - I am SO proud of you! Potty in the car, potty in the car!!!
I haven't needed mine in 9 months, but it sure is still in my car, g dangit!
i would have done this yesterday but forgot b/c we got home sort of late and had to get dinner then i took a shower and facebooked... and forgot. haha

well, it wasn't to bad b/c i was a little drugged up. HAHA.

sun night, in fear of sounding like a hypochondriac (sp), i started to think i was getting pancriatitis b/c i had felt even a little more nausous, was getting terrible heartburn and upper back pain after eating, and having slightly yellowish with a little greyish brown stools friday into sun but the pain in my right chest sun night into mon morning was really bad and couldn''t lay on my left side ( i did se my reg. dr today and she ordered blood work). but the pain went away enough for me to get 3 hrs of sleep maybe and after another hr i finally got myself out of bed.

i only eat 1 buttermilk waffel w/ nothing on it and took 2 ativan. and i was SO lucky i was able to go before i left b/c usually i can't go until 1 or so in the afternoon at the earliest. but i went and i made 4 little plastic bag liners w/ the paper towels before i left and look gloves, bags, clorox wipes, germex wipes... you name it. i fell asleep well, i don't actually remember leaving my gramas street... andd she lives on the corner. haha. but i'd guess i made it a few blocks before falling asleep for a couple hrs and stopped at the half way point (3 hrs) and didn't need to go. was going to stop at 4.5 hrs but was ok and at 5 1/4 started to think i had to go so i didn't get my snow cone in winchester :(.

but i made it home! i didn't have to use to potty nor go when we stopped which still kind of surprises me. but i also took about half a bottle of pepto bismol (i think it works WAY better than imodium) and the ativan. i was never so glad to get back to the mess that is noVA than i was when we pulled in the drive! haha

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