How to keep stool from getting on colostomy filter

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Apr 22, 2006
So I ordered my Convatec supplies and they sent me the wrong bags but I had to use them since I was out. I asked if they could send me a bag without a filter but with the clip, so I could try it. Instead they sent me a filtered clip bag. I hate Convatec's filters. They work okay but only get 3 days out of it. I got 7 days out of my last bag/flange combo so this really stinks. The worst thing with this filter is that after a certain time it leaks a liquid of sorts. It doesn't really smell bad but it looks like poop and it gets on my shirts and stuff and I have to "Shout it out" to get the stains off. I'm sick of this! What do ya'll suggest. I started putting tape on the top of the filter but that just spreads the liquid to a vaster area. I'm considering taking tape on all of them and putting it over the filter from inside the bag so hopefully the stool never touches the filter. Maybe I should use a glue or something. I don't know I'm just annoyed I didn't get what I asked for.

Is there anything I can do to keep the stool from getting on the filter? When I sleep some stool builds up at the top of the bag before it slowly falls down.

Thanks for help or suggestions.


Also, sorry I haven't been around much. Last week I was busy studying and working to make a podcast. Then I went to a youth group thing in Birmingham on Friday which took all day, Saturday I had to plan music to practice that night at band practice and come up with riffs or chord progressions to write new material, and today I went to a monastery which tool most of my night. I've been busy.haha
put a call into the company and tell them of your dilemma and see what they have to say. That is what I've done in the past and they have always been helpful. They want your service and will bend over backwards to keep you as a customer. Tell them where you bought it and what the supplier told you. Then tell them also what your current situation is and the problem you are facing. They should be able to send you what you need.

I'm surprised that there wasn't any seal like tape enclosed in the box to cover the filter as most boxes have these. Definitely give Convatec a call in the AM. Been there, done that. speaking from experience for over 20 years. ~gutless wonder
Thanks, there was seal tape but it still doesn't do anything once the charcoal gets saturated. Once that happens nothing keeps it from spilling out in some way. I tried with my last bag to just stick a seal tape on from the beginning and that didn't work as it's been less than two days and I needed to change bags. I'll definitely give them a call. I wish I could just send back my supplies but then I'll be out of supplies ):
I have been using Hollister new image but had few leaks around the stoma which caused irritations. They also have filter issues which does not work. I am using now convatec moldables and can keep the flange on for 4-5 days and no leaks but have the issues with the filter that leaks. It leaked on me yesterday.
I have actually started to use tape on the inside of the bag on the flange and I haven't had a leak since. It's definitely helped. Now I have to burp it instead of letting nature take it's course but it's a small price to pay for a leakless system. Plus the balloon I have in the morning wakes me up almost everyday at 7 which is perfect for when school starts.haha
I have not found any of the filters on the pouches to be of much value. Well maybe for 12 hours tops, but that is it. So now I order pouches without filters and your these things called ezvents they work great for me. My output is liquid 95% of the time, but on the rare occasion that there is some body to it, I have even left the ezvent open when around the house (any by myself lol) so there is no build up of gas at all in my pouch.
Brindle, that's what I'm going to go with when I need more products. The only problem I found with the ezvent is that you have to keep poking the hole to make sure it doesn't get clogged with stool but maybe I won't have to do that anymore as things seem to be falling a little better now.

Dan, haha. It works wonders except when you want to wake up at 8 and instead you wake up at 7:15 which after the bathroom visit ends up being 7:25 and then it's no point sleeping for the next half hour anyway.
Hi Dan this is link to ezvent.

Jeff- i was told if I ran into that problem, to take a small piece of perforated surgical tape
and attach to the inside of the pouch when you put the ezvent on. It will act like a screen keeping things from entering. (have not tried)
Once in a while, mine will get clogged, I usually rub the back of the pouch, behind where it is attached to clear of any residue.Or i have found in you just put a little clump of toilet tissue over the open ezvent and squeeze the bag to release the air, it will force whatever is blocking it out of the way. ( Just make sure bag is not to full. lol)
Or like you mentioned using a roothpick to clear the way.

Dan not sure about Samples. I get my product thru I can't honestly remember if i requested a sample and they sent or if I had just had it with the other filter systems and decided to try. But worth calling or emailing them or your supply house and see if they would be willing to send a few samples.

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