How Would You Handle This? My Older Brother Told Me To Die From Colon Cancer

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Jun 29, 2011
I have an older brother who is a complete a-hole. The other day we got in a argument. He told me to die from colon cancer and if there was anyone to get this disease, he was happy that it was me. He continued to make fun of how I lost my weight, calling me a skinny piece of ****.

How would you handle someone in your family saying this to you?
People say horrible things out of anger. The reasons why do they do this are well documented, google it and you will find a sea of info. Its a form of retaliation, they feel a emotional hit, a ego hit, a hit at their pride whichever way you think about it. The most natural way is hitting back at what they think will create the same feeling within the the other person. The same way as teenagers say their parents are bad parents.

Try not to take it personally. In one ear and out the other. There was a great Buddhist proverb, I can't remember it exactly but the message with basically about the extreme feelings. e.g you only get really angry at people you really love. If you didn't, you don't really care about them enough to get angry in the first place.
What a douche. I would no longer talk to my brother if he said anything like that to me.

It does depend on the situtation. Are you guys really young, like teeagers, or full grown men? I could be a little more forgiving of a teen because they lack impulse control, and maturity. If he was an adult, I dont think I would have the time of day for that person any more.
Tell him that he will get the same illness as you since he's your brother! Maybe he'll take some time to look into it - it's ignorance that makes people say dumb things. And yeah, he'll learn one day, but you don't have to pay much attention to his little outbursts.
look after yourself.
What a douche. I would no longer talk to my brother if he said anything like that to me.

It does depend on the situtation. Are you guys really young, like teeagers, or full grown men? I could be a little more forgiving of a teen because they lack impulse control, and maturity. If he was an adult, I dont think I would have the time of day for that person any more.

His 24
I have three brothers, and unfortunately when we were younger we would sometimes say things to, and about one another we later regretted. Family is an important part of our lives, and the art of forgiveness often starts within the family circle. As the Lord said about those that put him on the cross and abused him so badly "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do" Forgive your brother because he has in a moment of anger said something he doesn't realise is terrible. He will have children one day and one of them may have crohnes, he will be glad of your forgiveness and support then I'm sure. But i agree...TOTALLY INSENSATIVE! and very childish from a man of 24!
I would eliminate him from my life altogether. You have too much to deal with already to deal with his abuse.

Bruscar is right, what goes around comes around.
I left a personal note for you on this, but will also commiserate here.

I had a brother like this. He did everything he could to be mean and make me feel bad - most of my life. He was jealous of me because I was born and he never got over it. He had further jealousy issues because I was my mother's (Marsha) biological daughter. She raised all three of us the same way, but that their biological mother didn't want them hit them both hard in very different ways, no matter what Marsha did.

He told me, when I was very young, that he wasn't my brother (was my 1/2 brother) and how glad he was of that. He told me that I got Crohn's disease as payment for taking Marsha's time from him.

It took quite a few years for me to figure out that he was lashing out due to his own pain. His pain of his mother not caring, the pain that Marsha wasn't his biological mother, that I was sick and getting the attention he though he deserved. When I realized all of these things, well, it still hurt, but I could at least realize it wasn't something I had actually done to him. It was his problems to get over and deal with.

Now for the melodrama - He never was able to work these problems out and his demons (more than just about me) ended up killing him. We never buried the hatchet and it took me a long time to figure out how to mourn him after everything that happened. I'm still trying to figure it all out.

So while I'd love to tell you that you need to tell him where to go, his issues are coming from something - possibly nothing to do with you - and he has to work them out. You don't need to take his abuse, but lashing out could make things a lot worse.

I'm very sorry for you to be dealing with this on top of your health issues. It's totally blows.
I ignore family members who act like that or anyone for that matter. You're 20 and he's 24. Its easy to avoid anyone when you aren't living in the same household anymore. If he stole your money and refuses to give it back you can either report it to the police or tell a parent or another family member about it who is close to your brother and you and someone who you feel will persuade him to give that money back even if its in payments. And as mentioned, CD is hereditary so he better watch his mouth or he'll have a taste of his own foot.

My sisters and I argue all the time and ya we do say horrible things to each other but we usually act like nothing happened later once we cooled down or talk it out if its still an issue. My second oldest sister and I both have CD and I was mad at our oldest sister (who doesn't have any illnesses) for whatever reason and I told her that I bet she would wind up with AIDS. Water under the bridge eventually. :p

Where family is concerned, you need to decide for yourself if its water under the bridge or if family is overrated.
whether he means it or not...his intent was to really hurt you... and it sounds like he did. I think I would have a long discussion with him when you both cool off a bit and let him know that (if you intend to remain in contact).

I am sorry he said that to you. Speaks volumes to his character!!! Not sure if it would be someone I would want to know. Especially if he has also stolen from you when you were at your worst. Your brother is abusive! (financially, verbally and worst of all..emotionally). Do what is best for YOU !!!

take care!!
Since he stole that large sum of money, call the police on him. It is a serious crime and he needs to go to jail or repay you NOW. Seriously, the abuse he has put you through is emotional, verbal (telling you to get colon cancer--tell him to go pound bricks), and psychological at best. You do NOT need to put up with his abuse. Yes, that it what he is doing to you and I am speaking from experience. Over 15 yrs. to be exact until I stood up for myself to put a stop to it.

My own sister called me a drug addict when I was in high school and after I got my ileostomy that saved my life, she referred to me as a bag lady. She was never supportive even now, heck I was her stupid maid of honor (I didn't want to be but my mom told her to ask me and my mom was like I should) and flaring at the time. Come to find out from a bridal party member that my sister was telling EVERYONE I was out to ruin her big day by faking being sick which was total cr@p because I was out on disability 2 months beforehand from work.

After the hell she put me through with my own wedding, I finally put a stop to her bossiness and told her that I love her but I will NOT tolerate her bullying me or treating me like dirt any more. She blew a gasket and made tons of false accusations from stalking her at work (I don't even know where she works) to stalking her at home (um, she lives over 2 hrs. away and last yr. I was recovering from a serious surgical infection. I was at home), causing her undue stress while pregnant (she never told me she was), and harassing her via emails which I only sent her a few telling her to that she needs to apologize and quit being so nasty towards me. Then she sent my husband an explosive email stating that she's going to throw me in jail based upon these false accusations so he had to hire an attorney for me in case she followed through with her threats .

My sister is the biggest bully you'd ever want to meet. If you don't kiss her butt, she'd make your life a living hell. She is ALWAYS right, never wrong. And if you do something to tick her off, WATCH OUT. Heck, when we went looking for bridesmaids dresses, the clerk gave her a price in error, she had the poor girl in tears, literally and the manager took my sister outside and the manager was like do you really like to make salesclerks cry? What is your problem? People make mistakes. My sister can do no wrong. I tell ya. It's been 5 years now and she won't talk to me or the rest of the family. On top of that she won't let anybody see the 5 kids either. She is a very sick person and needs mental help but she doesn't think she does. My BIL is a wuss and won't even do a thing about it. He's a loser who's just a sperm doner.

So Towls, you aren't alone when it comes to a sibling who's in desperate need of help and needs to be avoided. Do your parents know that he stole from you? Do you have witnesses that he stole the money. Seriously, you need to go to the police station and file a complaint and have him arrested. That money is YOURS. You need it to pay for your medication, doctor bills, and hospitalizations. For him to say what he did is inexcusable.

If your parents don't support you at filing the report, have a friend go with you. I'm behind 100% at doing this. Does your doctor know about the abuse he put you through? Next time you go in for a check up, just tell him the stress he's put you through so it's documented and what he said for the record. You never know when you may need it for proof. I made sure to tell my primary care MD at least as well as my neurologist after my stroke and they agreed that as a stroke survivor, I do NOT need to put up with my sister's abuse as it is not good for my blood pressure or recovery.

I want you to be well and in remission for a life time. I care. ~Gutless Wonderwoman:rosette2:
Wow. Your sister's a bitch GW. I wouldn't talk to her either. There's some crazy people out there and in that case family IS overrated.
yeah I get that ALOT Crabby. I'm also told that she is totally off her rocker and she's mentally unstable. I knew she was unstable from how she was treating me even when she turned 35! And she was still being very vicious. I don't miss the drama or stress from her though I do miss my 2 nieces and 3 nephews.

Someday karma will bite her in the butt and when it does, it will be too big for her to handle. I'd LOVE to see how she'd handle that.......BUT from a far far away distance. lol
Wow! I'm amazed that family members can be so cruel to each other. It sounds like a comment that only a young, immature person would make in the heat of the moment. Second, my family has had its share of quarrels and pettiness among the siblings. We've said some awful things to each other, though I don't think anybody mentioned dying from a disease. I've had siblings tell me that I was adopted (I'm not), ugly, stupid, and you name it. It always hurt my feelings, but I've learned not to show that I'm upset by the comments.

I hope I'm not being pushy or offensive by the way. My advice would be to let the comment go. I know it probably hurts really bad, but your brother must be miserable or hurting himself in order to make such an awful statement. I know this might be hard, but I would act like I forgot all about the comment and treat him so nicely that he feels bad over the way he's been treating and talking to you. Kill him with kindness!

From a personal standpoint, I'm going through something similar with a sister. She has decided over the past year, that she is going to act hateful towards me. I'm not even sure exactly what I have done, though we've never really gotten along. She got nasty with me during my last visit to our parents' house. I said, "Whatever I did to upset you, I'm sorry. I will not play games and being nasty isn't my thing." After that, I visited with other members of my family. She can take it or leave it, but I will not add to it.

My only brother and I both have Crohn's Disease. Both he and I really did have a scare with pre-cancerous colon polyps. We fought as kids, but mostly got along. I think our disease has brought us closer together. Hopefully, your brother doesn't get sick. Good luck with your brother!
Andi, did you read where towls brother stole $2,000 while he was in the hospital? That is a serious crime and Towl shouldn't have to sit back and take that. He should report that to the authorities and have his brother arrested as he didn't have permission to take it whatsoever.

That money was Towls and he was probably saving it to pay for rent, utilities, medications, doctors and hospital bills. For his brother to say something so callous and nasty on top of that...yes, he can ignore that.....but stealing is another offense that is very serious. If I found out that my sister stole money from me without even asking to borrow it, you can bet I'd have her arrested. $2,000 is nothing to sneeze at especially in this economy.

Andi, please don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. I understand what you are saying. You can ignore the words, but if someone steals from you, especially a huge sum of money...that's a very serious issue not to be taken lightly. have a great night. :)
I re-read the post and I caught it the second time. That's just awful! If you are close to your parents Towl, I'd fill them in. If it were me, I'd probably tell my parents first. Oh my heck! If that were to ever happen, my dad (he's in his 60s) would kick my brother's butt and make him pay back the money. We are not a perfect family, but I do know that stealing would and should never be tolerated. I know my brother doesn't visit this forum, but if he is; Randy, I had to use you as an example. I'm sorry. It's all hypothetical, I know you would never steal from anybody.
You need to call someone in New York or New Jeresy and tell them you need to talk to cementshoes. He'll take care of your brother. (I've heard for an extra $100 he'll eat the body so there's no evidence!!!) Good luck.
Seriously Towl, you need to file a police report and have your brother arrested.
Let us know what happens. good luck. Don't let your brother bully you into not doing this.
BUT did you file a police report regarding the stolen money is what I am asking? Are you going to do this? YOU should. This is a serious crime. $2,000 isn't something to sneeze at.

You stated he took this from you while you were in the hospital. He should be held accountable for his actions or HE WILL DO THIS AGAIN TO YOU. Don't sit around and wait.......REPORT his sorry butt.
BUT did you file a police report regarding the stolen money is what I am asking? Are you going to do this? YOU should. This is a serious crime. $2,000 isn't something to sneeze at.

You stated he took this from you while you were in the hospital. He should be held accountable for his actions or HE WILL DO THIS AGAIN TO YOU. Don't sit around and wait.......REPORT his sorry butt.

I'm really not mad about the money, it comes and goes. BUT he ruined our relationship FOREVER, that only comes once in a life time and if its gone, you can never get it back. I have no brother
I can understand where you're coming from. If it were me, I couldn't turn my own brother in. It's my sister and I that don't get along, but I haven't completely given up on her. Here's wishing you the best.
Today a few of my ps3 games are missing . I wonder what happened to them:confused2:

I have had enough. I am getting a job and moving out. This is gonna take a while to accomplish but surely It will result in my happiness
If you keep on letting your brother steal from you without holding him accountable, he is going TO CONTINUE doing that to you. You need to hold him accountable for his actions AND have him pay you back for what he took. By ignoring the situation, it will only get worse.

STICK UP for yourself. YOU ARE WORTH IT. Ignore it, HE WILL CONTINUE TO STEAL FROM YOU. The choice is yours.

As for the money, you could use that to pay for your rent, doctor bills, hospital bills, medications, etc. Why would you blow that off? Seriously. Why would you not want that back? In this economy, you SHOULD want it back. $2,000 is a LOT of change and nothing to sneeze at. If it were say $5, then I'd say, yeah forget it. Get that back from him or file a report with the police. He will steal from you again until you TAKE CONTROL of the situation.
today my sister told me that when I left the house my brother told my mom that he wishes I would do painfully from my disease. than they got into an argument about it.. wtf
I'm sorry to hear that. What the heck!! If you are close to your parents and sister, it probably wouldn't hurt to inform them of the situation. It's not tattling and you may be helping your brother out in the long run. I don't fully understand his situation, but he sounds like he's very angry and is probably going down the path of destruction. Best wishes. :)
I agree with Andi. Please PLEASE at least tell your folks that he is stealing from you, ESPECIALLY THE MONEY. They need to know about that so they can help you get it back from him. This kid has some serious issues that need to be dealt with. It sounds like he needs some serious counseling to sort out his inner "demons" if you will.

I am speaking from experience . TELL YOUR FOLKS about him stealing from you. PLEASE DO IT or he is going to continue down the path that he is and continue taking your things. Do YOU REALLY WANT THAT? want to get on with your tell your folks. You will feel so much better and your brother will get the help that he needs. hang in there. take care. ~Gutless Wonder Woman
They know about it. They just don't want me to start a fight with him. This guy just looks to fight with me. for absolutely no reason.
also my sister me when my father told him wtf is wrong with you to say that. He said i dont care I wish to god he dies and dont worry I wont lose any sleep over it...... wtf!! If i heard that it would have been a fight.. I need to move out. Im trying to get this job first...... fk I am so stressed. How am I suppose to study for college with all this drama?
I feel for you. I'm surprised that you wouldn't get more support than that. I think it is a good idea to move out. I have a very close knit family, which is good and bad. We get the support, but everybody wants to butt in on everyone else's business. It was hard to keep things secret, and there were control issues. Moving out and being on my own did wonders for my peace of mind. There is also truth in the saying, "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family." I would never recommend to disown your family, but it might help to take some time away from them. If you focus on yourself, your needs, learning to deal with CD, and your new college life; you should be too busy to think of the upsetting drama in your family. Good luck!
I feel for you. I'm surprised that you wouldn't get more support than that. I think it is a good idea to move out. I have a very close knit family, which is good and bad. We get the support, but everybody wants to butt in on everyone else's business. It was hard to keep things secret, and there were control issues. Moving out and being on my own did wonders for my peace of mind. There is also truth in the saying, "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family." I would never recommend to disown your family, but it might help to take some time away from them. If you focus on yourself, your needs, learning to deal with CD, and your new college life; you should be too busy to think of the upsetting drama in your family. Good luck!

Andi you awesome girl!

can you believe I just found my ps3 all sliced ..... I just took my ps3 away and hid it in my room. I dread how tmrw is gonna be because I have to go to the financial aid office in my school and I will be away from my room for like5 hours. I have VERY expensive things in my room thats worth at least 6,000$. Is this guy mental or something?

Its gonna be hard because I have no job, but as soon as i get a job. I AM OUT OF HERE. Hopefully soon, but I will keep you guys updated
I grew up with a brother like this. He stole money from me, ruined items, and said horrible things to me and about me. My parents would shake their heads and tell me they knew it was awful but they didn't know what to do. After awhile I packed up many of my things and kept them at a trusted friend's house and stopped carrying cash.
There are some people who are just not nice. It sucks and it hurts but your brother might be one of them. In my brother's case he wasn't a very nice person and he was also jealous of the time and attention I required during bad health times. When I finally was able to move away from home he turned his anger towards one of my other brothers. (He picked on him because of him because he was tall and also wonderfully talented artistically.) At least at that point I realized it wasn't personal, I was just an easy and available target.
The best thing you can do is protect yourself as best you can and see if you can get some friends to help you out, maybe put a lock on your door if you think he won't kick it in, and don't provoke him. Lame advice, I know, but when people are determined to behave badly and you have to live with them, there is not a lot you can do. I agree with everyone else when they say, "Get out as soon as you can."
Sadly you really see peoples true characters.
Some are diamonds....... and some are not.
I feel CD has made me a decent judge of peoples true characters.
I've had some pretty nasty comments come my way over the years,some which really got to me.Now i'm 42 if i get arrogant comments i just tell myself what a pathetic tosser i'm listening to....i just won't let arrogant comments get to me anymore.
I still get stupid comments because i won't have a beer due to my short bowel.But i no that if i react i'm as bad as i just go deaf!

i never had a comment as bad as this thread subject thankfully - i just hope he grows up....sharpish.