Humira and colds?

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Apr 18, 2011
So about 2 days ago I started to get the sniffles, runny nose, constant sneezing and itchy/watery/irritable eyes, I put down to the horrible air freshener my mum bought, seen as the last time she bought it, it messed me up, but now it feels more like a cold as I've moved the air freshener from downstairs to upstairs but I still have all the above symptoms.

OK, now to my question, I've to do a shot of Humira tomorrow and I was wondering if it's OK to take whilst you have a cold?

Any help would be appreciated.

I can't say for sure but I don't think you should miss your dose due to a cold. We wouldn't even consider not staying on schedule because of a cold, but if you have serious doubts, maybe you should call your GI.
Walrus! lol I've got the exact same situation, got the sniffles/cough 2 days ago. Gotta do my injection before bed, I'm putting it off cause of laziness but I'm still gonna do it. My GI told me to hold off only if I have fever or bodyaches or more severe symptoms. I would say for me it's fine right now, just a lil cold over here.
But if you are noticing worse stuff like fever etc. call the doc and hold off. This is what I have been told to do.
Feel better soon!
Buy a digital thermometer, take your oral temp get to know your temp before worrying you have flu/etc, and then when this sort of thing comes up you know if you are fighting off an infection/etc and how bad it is.

Dont miss a dose as that may put you back Crohn's wise. If you have a streaming cold, or flu, or infection that puts your temp up dont inject but call your consultant or specialist nurse for advice. Otherwise I delay a day to see what happens, and inject the following day if it hasn't got any worse.
Thanks for the advice, guys. I called my IBD nurse this morning and she said if I was worried I should drive up to her and she'll have a quick look at me, I'm also a bit hestitant with the injection still so it was a double win as she assisted me with the injection again.

She asked me if I had a fever etc I told her my symptoms and she told it was fine to use the medication.

Just wanted to be certain so again, thanks for the replies.


I've had a cold for nearly 4 weeks and carried on taking my weekly Humira. I was not showing any signs of serious infection, just had a stuffed-up and alternately runny nose despite using over the counter remedies.

The last couple of days things have got worse and breathing through my nose has not been possible at all. Having been awake all night, I finally bit the bullet and saw my GP who said that I had an upper respiratory tract infection. He prescribed antibiotics and a steroid spray for my nose. I've also had to get my bloods repeated. Next Humira is on Friday, but no flu jab on Saturday.

Beth has given sound advice above. If have any doubt about injecting, then speak to you Doctor or Specialist Nurse.

I have come down with a cold in the last 24 hours and was wondering what I needed to do. The cold came on one day after my last injection. I guess I will just do the OTC remedy thing and if it gets worse contact my Dr's office. I have almost 2 weeks before the next injection.
OK, I'm on 100mg of Imuran and Humira, I know scary!! Nah, not really I'll just be careful, lol Anyway, I woke up Friday morning feeling brand new, although it was a bad cold I've ever shook off a cold so quick, pre-crohns,pre-meds.

Maybe it was just luck, but I usually do be under the weather for at least a week, but 4 days . . . . I'm suffering with a hangover now so I guess it's not all great! lol.
On aziothiaprine, Humira, low dose of prednisone. Seem to have a cold/flu with a fever. What do I do? Injection due tomorrow. Should I seek med attention for a fever?
Anytime there is a fever -we are to call DS's Gi to discuss how it is to be handled
Especially if it's the flu.
I would call the on call gi asap
I had a terrible cold and took Humira still while I was sick... I never noticed it made anything worse, or affected me in any way! My cold did still kick around for awhile, but I know I've been like that ever since I've been immunosuppressed.
i just started humira and had this discussion with my GI today as im on tamiflu and zithromax now for flu/sinus infection. She says since im on the medication, unless it was a serious issue she wouldnt want me to delay the shot and just stay on schedule. Which is kkinda what I thought but im glad i asked
hello i am new and have a question about humira and getting a cold. my boyfriend has crohn's and gets the shots every two weeks. i just gave him his shot on monday and i have a cold now he is showing symptoms of my cold, is there anything special i should be doing for him?
Hi. If he runs a temp I would tell him to let his GI know. Plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and such.

My son has been on humira for about 8 months now and before that remicade for 2 years and he has remained the healthiest in the house. The rest of us pass crud back and forth but he keeps on rocking.
Thank-you very much. I am new to all this my boyfriend has only been on Humira for three months and I am always afraid of him getting sick. I have gone as far as to sleep in a different room when i am sick myself so he dont get it, and him getting a cold is very stressful to me and i really dont know what to expect.