Humira goof and it was my fault!

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Apr 7, 2010
Ok so first let me say that this is all my fault! I am just needing to complain about it coz I am so frustrated at myself.

Been on H for a year now and RX ran out. My GI nurse (who is great by the way) faxed in a new one. The company called me and wanted to give me a 3 month supply. I asked for a 1 month. I can't afford a big bill. I didn't realized that this cancled out the RX for every 3 months. So the med company had to fax my MD office again. My next dose is due next Wed. The med company does not have the new RX from my GI and I leave Wed at 11am to go out of the country for 2 weeks.

If only I had gotten the 3 month supply to begin with I would not be in this mess.

I am hopeing that everything gets worked out today or Monday at the latest. Ohhh I am so mad at myself!

Sorry for venting. Woops!
Don't be mad at yourself but in general I find the more supply you have the better. You never know between all the parties and time to get our injectables it's always good to be prepared.
Ouch, don't beat yourself up too much about it. Hopefully you can get something situated. Can you tell your doc it is an emergency and have him fax it directly over to them?

If not, two weeks is not a long time and hopefully it will not cause anything to flare up. Just be a bit mindful/careful about food/drink/water while out of the country and have fun! :)
Awsome GI nurse! They had an extra pen at their office. I get my dose with them tomorrow and then the Pharm company will send me the dose Thrusday and my hubby will put in the firdge.
Love my GI nurse!
Thanks for the support. Woops!

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