Remicade is not an injection it is an IV infusion that you do at the hospital IV lab or and IV lab center your GI(Some have IV labs in their offices) has or is associated with(off site IV lab centers). The infusion takes about 2.5 to 3.5 hours depending on the speed of the drip and what you tolerate well. After loading doses, standard interval is every 8 weeks but some require every 7 weeks or even 6.
Humira is a self injection shot you give your self every two weeks, I believe.
There are side effects with these medication, I'm not sure about Humira since it hasn't been out as long but we have members on who have been on Remicade 10 or more years you might ask a question about long term remicade use in the treatment forum.
My son did awesome with the loading doses of Remicade, his symptoms went away after the first infusion. It was so great to have my kid back as he had been experiencing severe bouts of fatigue, joint pain, some ab pain. But once we got out to the 8 week schedule some of his symptoms would start to return, we shortened his dose schedule, then upped his dose and finally added methotrexate. This seems to have him feeling really well again and not having symptoms. He even actually has started growing again, the CD had stunted his growth from malabsorption.
There are serious side effects with these meds just like with methotrexate and the other immunosuppressants(6MP/Imuran). It is a difficult decision even though the scary side effects are rare. It is definitely a personal decision each person has to make. We felt at the time with my son's QOL being so affected by CD that Remicade was a good choice for him. Untreated or undertreated CD has a set of risks that scare me just as much!
I would make a list of your concerns and questions about each medication and go over them with your GI, explain to him you are wanted to understand the ins and outs of each one in an effort to make a decision you are comfortable with.
Good luck.