Humors advise anyone??

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Jul 22, 2013
Well, I've started humira. I've been through all the medications I can think of and I'm twelve. Let me tell you, I don't mind shots, I don't mind IV's, I don't mind bloodwork, but that humira is AWFUL! It burns so badly! I've never cried getting needles poked in me, but I cried and almost screamed when I had to get the humira injection. I was told it wouldn't hurt, so when they put it in, it took me by surprise. If this doesn't work, I have to have surgery. The only reason I don't want it is because of it recovery time. I'm a competitive dancer and I have compititions and shows to dance in. Anyway, how do you make humira hurt less. I have to get it on New Years. I don't want to spend my New Year's Day crying...
Sorry you are struggling with the injections they can be horrible I used to struggle with the loud click as it would make me jump nearly every time. Have you tried icing the area before injecting I know it helps a lot of people on the forum. Also leaving the medication out of the fridge for 30mins before injecting takes some of the sting away. I am no longer on humira but on cimzia which can also sting but I have syringes now instead of the pen and I find these hurt a lot less as I control the speed the medication goes in and the cimzia comes pre prepared so I don't have to mess around filling them it might be possible to try something similar with humira. Hope you find something that works for you

Try icing the injection site first to numb it, and leave the drug after takingout of fridge for 8 minutes or so.