I talked with my GI's office this morning.I was told my Dr. would call me before their office closes.They close at three and I heard nothing.I get a call on my mobile at 7 this evening.It was my GI calling me to talk about meds! He said he was busy all day and wanted to talk with me before he headed home.
He is fine with me going through the Canadian site for pentasa.He feels the asacol would not help me.It wouldn't release until it was too far down the small intestine.My resection was in the upper jejunum,closer to the duodenum.
I called my surgeons office today,the Dr. that did my resection and inguinal hernia.I have a painful area under my resection scar.A nurse told me it could be a suture that did not dissolve and is making its way to the surface.She does not think it is an incisinal hernia,could be,but hopefully not.I would be unhappy if it was.She said that my sutures should have dissolved around now and if one did not than the pain I'm feeling could be the suture.My hernia really hurt.I'm hoping where my scar is from my belly button down to my nether regions and the only spot that hurts is a small section of the scar-it is not a hernia.
Despite the new pain I am optimistic.
Sorry to hear it's so sore, but hopefully it is only a stray stitch.
Have you heard back re the meds yet? And how is your return to work going?
And how are you doing Steph? Smooth sailing at present?
Ha ha ha ha Dave! your relationship with your wife sounds hilarious thats cheered me up for sure :ylol:
Hi PenguinVic, dave13, and steph_irish! You can't imagine what your kind words mean to me! I was sick for the last 4 years...had 1/2 my stomach removed, pan colitis, my gall bladder removed, (all surgery d/t "screaming" abdominal pain), then I had a rectal prolapse, (didn't see THAT coming, lol), and after the repair, they continued to tell me..."you will be normal"! Crohn's was never on the radar. But after a year of flaring, (didn't know the word at the time), and losing 70 pounds, I finally asked..."I don't have Crohn's, do I?", to which I got a big YES! I am so sorry that our friendship has come out of our disease, but after 4 years of being treated like a "faker", there is some relief just knowing, and your stories and reassurances that I am not alone have made a huge difference. I know I am going to have to find a new doctor, but I find myself clinging to the colo-rectal surgeon because he at least believed me! (I guess when someone has there intestines protruding from their body, it's pretty hard NOT to, haha!) I will be on here a lot and your experience is so valuable to me, so thank you X's 1,000,000! I hope you ALL have a lovely, distress free day! Allison