I can't do this....

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Oct 3, 2009
I am hurting so bad right now and crying so hard I have to stay off here for awhile cause I need time to grieve.

Today we have to put my Golden Retriever down, and my husband is going to do it today so I only have a few hours left with her. :( I knew this was coming and we have to do it before my husband goes back to work. Because it would be worse if he wasn't here, I can't lift her.

I know I have so many memories and she has been there with me longer than anyone. We have given her the best life, cottage, freedom, and so much love. I don't know how I can live without her. She will be missed so much and my other two dogs have been smelling her alot lately. We know she has cancer but it is coming full force and huge tumours..

Why does it hurt so bad, I feel like I am putting down a child. I have to go... all of you keep looking after yourself, God bless.
I am so sorry you are going thru this right now. We had our snauzer of 13 yrs die last yr and my cat of 17 yrs die within 2 wks of each other. Why does life have to be so hard sometimes? My thoughts and prayers for you today.
Sorry to hear that. It is never easy to let a beloved pet go. But she will will always be a part of of you and will bring you joy whenever you think of her.
Pen, I'm so sorry to hear that. I can't imagine having to put down an animal. You will always have the good memories of her. I'm praying for you.
Penny, thinking of you at this sad time
stay strong my friend, and I'll speak to you later
im so sorry pen.

i know there is nothing to say that will help.

just remember that the great pain can only be felt after great love.
death wouldnt be so bad, if life with your girl hadnt been so good.

will be sending her wishes for a wonderful journey to the bridge.

I'm so sorry to hear this Penny...
There is just no easy way..

You're in my thoughts and prayers today
and in the healing days ahead.
Aw, Pen. I'm so sorry to hear this. I remember when we had to put down our cats and it was REALLY hard. Take the time you need to grieve and cherish your memories. Big hugs and love headed your way!
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I had to put my cocker spaniel down in Mid-March. It doesn't matter how prepared I was, I was still very broken hearted.

Our pets, at least for me, are like our children. The pain is very intense.

I pray that you have a speedy recovery and heal without your health suffering.

Take Care
So sorry to hear this Pen....My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband...you know where to find me if you need anything..
I'm so sorry that you are losing a treasured member of your family, Pen. What a sad day. Sending courage and hugs your way.
Oh Pen, so very sorry to hear the sad news. :(

I can't really figure out anything more comforting to say... My thoughts are with you in this difficult time.
Thank you all for your support. My husband just returned and the Vet said she wouldn't of lasted the week and that I did a humane thing by putting her down. My husband said she went down so easily. For that I am grateful. I felt so guilty when they left, I felt like an executioner. But I know now that I did it for her and not for me.

This is the hardest thing I ever had to do, and I feel sick and crying all day. Tasha was a good dog, from the day I got her til the last moments we shared lying on the front yard. She knew... she licked me and that is rare.

I am going to miss her so much. Sorry I can't be here to support people, hope you all take care of you and hug your pets...often.
So sorry Pen, I've had to do that twice, a Labrador Retriever and his "little sister" (and my last dog) an English Setter. it is very difficult.
You did the right thing, Pen. She's not in pain anymore. And, you will miss the heck out of her but you still have two pooches to love and care for. Take your time to grieve. Be grateful that you had such a wonderful dog for such a long time, and celebrate that.

RIP, Tasha! Say hi to Lola and Murph for me. :(
Aww, Pen. That makes me want to cry! I really do believe that animals can sense their owner's emotions and I'm sure she was trying to let you know it was going to be alright. You are a brave woman and a tough cookie! I know she knew how much you loved her! :)
Penny, I am truly sorry to hear this news. There comes a time when they no longer are pets, but become family.
We had to put my beagle down 5 yrs ago on Christmas day. It was a hard thing to do.
You stay strong and if you need a shoulder......
I'm so sorry to hear about your little pup :(
I can't imagine what it's like to lose a dog. I lost my hamster a week ago and I was intensely upset.. and I only had the poor thing for two years!!!
My thoughts are with you
So sorry for your loss. These little furballs truly become members of our families. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Gonna hold my little guy real tight this evening. Kevin
Sorry to hear about your loss.....I have had to put 2 of my horses down - 1 I raised from a foal and lost at 15 due to colic, and just a couple years ago her mother, who I owned for 22 years and was my first horse.....

Take comfort in knowing you let her leave peacefully and with dignity, and it sounds like she knew it too.....

Pen, I am terribly sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved friend. I have had my share of this over the years and each time I have felt like I lost a sibling. Bad example, actually my brother is a bit of an ass.

Pen, take your time to grieve and know that we will be here if you want to talk, vent, or let your sadness out. I am so sorry dear, I will be thinking of you and sending (((HUGS)))) and thoughts of strength for you to work through this awful time.

Pm or email if you like, god bless:( :( :( :( :(
Dear pen, I am so sorry for your loss! It hits home with me as my baby (Muppet the cat) died last week. I believe animals 'know' when it is their time. When I brought him home from the vet after some tests, he kept getting back in the cat box. he wasn't right and it was as if he was telling me 'I need to go back Mum!'. Thankfully he chose to go on his own and so i didn't have to make 'the decision'. That is the hardest part. However, you know you made the right one because you loved her so much.

When I miss Muppet I keep reminding myself of how much love we shared and what a happy life he had with me. He was only 9, but chose well when he turned up on my doorstep!

Take time to grieve, but remember you still have 2 other babies who need your love :)
Thank you to all of you, it has been a bit easier on my guilt feelings. However my eyes are so swollen and took a sleep aid last night. I know most of you have had this experience and you can't know just how painful this is until you are in it.

I am trying so hard to be strong, I have always been mush inside. It was hard to get up and not see her at my door, on her bed. I do have very good memories of her. Like most Goldens she was friendly to a fault. I know it takes time like everything in life.

You all have given me so much love and wishes and it makes it that much easier to keep going. I am flying my mom up to stay with me for 2 weeks whilst the hubby is gone for work.

Sure makes you see life so differently, embrace every day with love and kindness, cause you just never know... thanks for the hugs, you guys are the best!:wub:

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