I can't poop!

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Jul 28, 2012
So, for the past two months my diarrhea has been rediculous! Seriously! My butt hurt! I also had some other symptoms and went to the GI yesterday afternoon. They took some blood and want a stool sample. So, of course I haven't pooped once since then!!! It's so weird because I was pooping 3-10 times a day and now...nothing! Is this all in my head? Should I take something to make me poop?? Stool softener? Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated!
Maybe you're just love sick :ybiggrin:
When do you have to 'submit' the stool sample? Drink lots of water - that should help and maybe try prune juice. If you have a history of d. you might want to stay away from stool softeners, unless they are all natural. But really, prune juice does the same thing. Oh, and walking (or bowling!! :ytongue:) will also help to get things moving.
I took magnesium citrate over the counter recently and omg did it do the trick! Careful not to get dependant on them, try natural remedies, walking a mile everyday really helps my stomach stay regular.
Try doing something busy or important. That always helps me have to go. Like right now I'm trying to finish this post and suddenly I have to go. :p Anything that softens your stool may not be good if you have a narrowing. So if you start feeling nauseated or start throwing up then contact your GI right away. Maybe think of your "trigger" foods and beverages. Orange juice is one of mine. Having a little bit of something that you know brings on diarrhea may help but if you still can't go, then contact your GI.
Well Trish, I did have a couple hours of bowling last night. :) We went back because you could bowl all you want for $7 after 7:30. I sucked big time, but still had fun! I'm not the most coordinated person. lol

I'm making strong coffee at the moment and that usually does the trick! If it doesn't, then I'm off to the store for some prune juice! I'm a teacher and I went back to school yesterday for a meeting. I thought for sure that would make have to run to the bathroom 5 times!! But, nope not even once! Go figure!

I know I need to start walking regularly...I just need a kick in the butt to do it! :) If I don't poop soon, I'll definitely call my GI. How long should I wait to call him? I think his office closes early today. Do I wait until Monday?

Thanks for all the advice!!
The coffee worked!!! I pooped! :D Doing the whole stool sample thing is smelly and gross! I'm glad it's done though!!

One of the joys of Crohn's is celebrating poop, especially pretty normal BMs which this was! I feel so much better! Now I'm ready for date number three Trish!! :)
That's great! I go from getting used to the idea of having diarrhea for the rest of my life to, "OMG what's wrong with me????" because sometimes I wont go all day and when I finally do, its "normal." For someone who's used to diarrhea, a normal BM seems so abnormal. :p

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