I contacted CCFA about CNN's Offensive video...got a response.

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Jan 30, 2010
I read Miss Spencer's post yesterday, and couldn't just let it go. I first watched the clip on youtube, then I emailed CCFA about CNN's offensive intro of a story about a man with UC. They got in touch with CNN and sent me a response.

Here's the response from CCFA:

Hi Jeannette,

Thank you for expressing your concern over the recent CNN video. Here at the CCFA we understand your concern and the concern of others who also have contacted us, about this offensive video that was attached to the story.

We spoke to a CNN contact yesterday who apologized. She said they were trying to get people’s attention by showing the video and did not intend to be hurtful. They reported on the worm story again in later shows and took out the video from the movie. They realize the mistake they made by showing this video and we understand that they will be more sensitive when crafting future stories on Crohn’s and colitis.

I hope this helps.


Ariella Levine
Marketing & Communications Manager
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America
386 Park Avenue South, 17th floor
New York, New York 10016
646.943.7430 (phone)
212.779.4098 (fax)
Hmm...I haven't been paying enough attention to what's going on because I don't even know what the video was. Is there a link to view it somewhere? Or maybe you could tell us what the video was about.

Either way, that's really cool that something was done about it :)
Thanks, Mountain Gem, on behalf of all of us. While I haven't seen the segment (I'm at work, where youtube is a blocked site), I am still offended by the insensitivity of CNN. We all know how much humor can help our situation, and that scene from Dumb and Dumber can always make me laugh. It just wasn't appropriate in this situation. I am glad that CCFA contacted CNN and I appreciate the quick response and apology. I think as a true form of apologize, it would be nice if CNN did a segment on the emotional impact this disease has on us, an aspect that is far too often overlooked.
Marisa, here's the link: www.youtube.com/video/41w4-LIoldE

Yes, I think Dumb and Dumber is hilarious but in this context WAYYY inappropriate. Also, if you search a little on youtube, the man they were profiling had suffered so much with UC, the intro made it look like CNN was mocking his story before even showing it-totally heartless and wrong.
Hey sweet! I didn't see this thread. Great idea to email ccfa! And it's great to get that response!
Tried to see video but it's unavailable. I have to ask Mountaingem, is that your dog? If so, please tell me about him/her cause I'm in love!
Tried to see video but it's unavailable.

I kind of hope it stays that way. It was a clip from the movie Dumb and Dumber where one of the guys had to go to the bathroom really bad and had explosive diarrhea. Then CNN pops back on and the guy reporting says something like, "did we seriously just show that clip?" He wasn't amused but continued with the report of "how would you like that to be your everyday life? Well that's what its like for people who suffer from IBD..." Just totally mocking the illness really. The Daily Show had a nice retort the day after.
Just great!

So much for getting people to see IBD as a serious illness and not just "diarrhea". Thanks for setting them straight.
I couldn't watch the CNN clip on my phone, but I do know of the Dumb and Dumber clip they are talking about. Now I know I'm a different breed, and im sure not many will agree with me, but I really don't see anything wrong with showing that. In my opinion, too many people are unaware of this disease or have no idea what it is really all about! I know there have been times when I felt just like the character in that scene, and to be honest, if people knew that, and knew how bad this disease can be, there might be some more support for it! Look at cancer, everyone knows how bad it can get and what a terrible disease it is, and look at how much support it gets. You could join a different fundraiser for cancer every week of you tried! But sadly when it comes to crohns and colitis, I think people just aren't aware, and if they were, we might get some more fundraisers and global support to find a cure.

That's just my 2 cents. Please don't take offense. :)
:ybiggrin:No offence taken Fog-glad to see you back on the forum! I thought Dumb and Dumber was hilarious, and I see your point about awarenes,too.

When you see the clip, they played it as an introduction to a story about a man that was desperately sick with Crohn's and had run out of options. I had a problem with the the way it was put together; it made it look like they were mocking that poor man's suffering, that's why I contacted CCFA.

For sure more awareness could only benefit us Crohnnies and the medical community, so I guess I should consider that part positive.
Agreed on both sides. But also to add that, as we all know, IBD isn't just about uncontrollable diarrhea (some of us, in fact, experience the exact opposite!). So, making light of a more serious situation and making it seem like it's just a bad case of diarrhea isn't effective either. :)

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