Symptoms mostly bloating, cramps, pain, gas, constipation. Also insomnia, tired, faint, etc.
About 12 years ago I did see a gastroenterologist and did a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy found only ulcers in stomach. I was scheduled for upper GI but it never happened. I was much younger and I guess I felt better enough...didn't have time...whatever.
I have more tests scheduled this week including ultrasound, colonoscopy and a gastroscopy. I had blood and chest x-ray done last week. Blood was ok other then high sugar so we are going to test again including celiac.
I had been on a mostly liquid diet for a couple weeks, after seeing the doctor and him suggesting we test for celiac I decided to switch to gluten free. I have been feeling much better with the exception of a attack/flare that lasted about 24hrs as wasn't nearly as bad a past episodes.
I'll keep this post updated though just in case anyone with similar symptoms/issues finds it, maybe switching to gluten free might help them too.