I have a cold

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May 19, 2011
Went to PCP yesterday because of bad sore throat x 3 days, and this morning am all stuffed up. She gave me anti biotics (a 5-day supply) and sure enough the D is back, plus pain in my right side. She was worried that my immune system would not fight cold, so am I. I'm feeling pretty yucky, thinking today might be a bed day.
I had an ear infection and was given peniscillin which gave me mad diarreah. It was pretty bad. I stopped taking them as soon as I started feeling better, I couldn't go more than 5 days with urgency and whatnot
You were given antibiotics without being tested for an infection first? Antibiotics do not treat colds, the flu etc., they treat bacterial infections only. You should always be tested for a bacterial infection before taking antibiotics. They screw up the intestinal flora along with causing unwanted side effects. Too many doctors prescribe them like candy.

Even if it were strep throat you can heal without antibiotics. The only reason why antibiotics are used for strep is to help prevent scarlet fever but that's not as common as it used to be. Most places only check for type A strep as well yet I've been told that the culture eventually grew type C strep which is not common in humans. Even if you test negative for type A and you have another type it can still clear up on its own without antibiotics.
I've been on augmentum (penicillin) for 5 days recently for a bad cold. I got a little D from it but nothing too bad. Finished the course now and the D has gone and so has the cold. (im also on Imuran so don't think my immune system is brill at the moment either)
The likelihood of getting a secondary bacterial infection with a viral infection whilst on 6mp / aza is much higher than usual, due to having fewer and less responsive white cells.

Guidelines suggest that severe viral infection in these cases, antibiotics prevent serious secondary infection- a delay in waiting for infection screens could cause a sudden deterioration. As crabby says in a normal situation antibiotics shouldn't be used as ab's don't do anything for viruses.
You can have the tests done and start taking the antibiotics and then the doctor's office will call back once the results are in to tell you to either continue or stop treatment. That's what my old doctors office used to do.

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