I have a dream....

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 23, 2012
Just something that I have been thinking about alot lately, so thought I would put down on screen here. Please keep in mind that I was diagnosed long before the world was online, didn't have this fantastic forum, or anything like it. I was young, trusting of the medical professionals, and just so glad to know what was wrong with me that I didn't question alot at first. But never would I, a young college student, have thought of the wide scope of effects of our disease, let alone ask about it.
However, the same cannot be said of the medical professionals. I do believe that most of them are aware of all the many things that can, and will, go wrong with our bodies because of the disease and the medicines we take. They know the long term effects of the medicines, they know that our bodies will suffer defiencies due to malabsorption. Which down the road, will cause even more unwanted side effects.
Am I being naive in wondering why in the world our specialists don't go the full distance? Giving us medicine and checking blood levels during a flare, with the goal of remission is fine, but that's just slapping a bandaid on it in some ways. Sit us down and tell us, your intestines will probably NEVER absorb vitamins and nutrients the way a normal body should, which will cause things long term that you won't like, so let's get you on this and that vitamin/supplement, etc.....the medicines you're given cause this and that and this other thing, let's see what we can do to ward off these things.
Some doctors do, though probably not the majority of them. I guess I got lucky with mine. He did explain the vitamin deficiencies to me, told me to take tons of calcium and vitamin D. He also suggested I switch my birth control as the shot I was on is notorius for messing with calcium absorption and I have a long family history of osteoperosis.
I'm so glad I did not stop dreaming! After being told repeatedly that I'd have to live for life with my severe gut condition, (microscopic colitis) it appears I've found an answer. I'm now well most days. It is so nice! I'm no where near to being recovered. Today is a good example as I'm feeling rather run down. Recovery will undoubtably take a good long awhile. But I'm happy. I didn't listen to those that told me I couldn't be well again. I wasn't afraid to take health matters into my own hands, experiment with my diet, and take a few supplements such as vitamins D3, K2, fish oil etc.

After fighting for so long, over 20 years, I'm kind of chuckling to myself, asking what next! I feel as if I've been released from prison. I was institutionalized. It's good though, there could be worse problems to have.

It would be nice if physicians where more involved with our dietary and nutritional needs. Sadly from my experience, they typically are not. Thankfully there is now a wealth of health information on the internet and chat web sights such as this.

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