I just got a RADAR KEY!

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

You can apply for one.... http://www.radar.org.uk/radarwebsite/tabid/41/default.aspx
This is the national site....

however, I have seen you can buy them from e-bay...

I got mine from a nature reserve/history centre (I used to work for) that sells them for disabled people to unlock special 'hides' and entrances on the moors. As I know the boss who knows my condition I was able to get one there.

Katie :)
(slightly off topic, but how do you get your photo to be next to your name... I thought I had loaded it everywhere, but it is not showing)??
Hooray for Radar key!! That will take some stress off of going out!

Katiepede said:
(slightly off topic, but how do you get your photo to be next to your name... I thought I had loaded it everywhere, but it is not showing)??
Go to User CP, click 'edit avatar' and go from there.
I'm getting something almost as good, but definitely not as good as "the key to the city" - I'll be getting a "yo-I-gotta-use-your-private-bathroom" card from my doctor.
Santos61198 said:
I'm getting something almost as good, but definitely not as good as "the key to the city" - I'll be getting a "yo-I-gotta-use-your-private-bathroom" card from my doctor.

...and I got one of those when I joined the NACC too!
I have a RADAR key... watch out for busy bodies - I have been challenged twice now, once by a member of the public and once by a toilet attendant, neither of whom believed I should be allowed to use the facilities - I only use the key if there is a queue (or I really need privacy - if you know what I mean)... but some people really can't grasp the concept of a person outside the confines of a wheelchair using the disabled toilets!

On both occasions I explained I have Crohn's (blank expressions on their faces), so instead I offered a choice - leave me alone to use the facility or I would make a deposit on their shoes... they seemed to think I was rude...

he he he!
Yeah I've had to use the disabled loo at work a couple of times... for errm privacy, and although it was cleared with my boss, I had this 'busy body' person from work asking questions and being a little rude.... ah well...

Also my friend with a stoma got shouted at by a lady because he was in the disabled loo. He calmly said that he really wouldn't be using one if he didn't have to...
I am not sure she believed him though....
I suppose it's hard for people to understand?

Katie :)
Yer I think it is hard for people to understand.
Like my sister, she suffers from rly bad vertigo. So bad she has to avoid crowds and long journeys because its like the over stimulation is too much for her. She has to sometimes hold on to me or my mum as we walk along. She sometimes wishes she had a walking stick as this would stop people from walking next to her and knocking her. She also needs to use the disabled toilets so she can hold onto the bars. Sometimes i think people just think she is rly drunk :/
And i think i will try to apply for a key, thanks.
Last time I used a disabled toilet while out-and-about, I ended up getting a filthy look from a woman in a wheel-chair as I exited. :(

I didn't stop to give an explanation.

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