I know I am a pain but I really need suggestions!!!

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Nov 28, 2009
So I have been having pain everywhere in my joints and also leg pain. I went to a rheumatologist and she did xrays and blood tests and everything came out normal. For all of you that have arthritis did your test show something. I am scared I have something else but I dont know what. I have been in alot of pain in knees, ankles, even my butt hurts and spine. Or if you have been with fibro could you tell me what tests they did. I am so scared any cry about it. My Crohns is goodd right now and I am only on Pentasa. Oh she put me on 10mg of pred but it is not working.
I have never discussed fibro with my doctors but I was having a lot of chronic trouble with joint pain. To the point they put my left hand and arm in a splint, shot it full of Cortisone and sent me to plastic surgeon to consider removing the casing from the tendons in that hand! They also had me on Celebrex so I could move my knees. They hurt so bad I was in constant agony and could not walk up stairs or even rest for more than an hour or two at a time. I was also on Purithyinol and Colchacine to reduce uric acid building up in my blood.

All that has resolved its self post surgery for the affected rejoin of my intestines and since I started Immune Suppression therapy. It won't last for ever but it is really helping a great deal now.

I asked my GP about it and he wrote his feelings on the idea to the GI treatment team who look after me. That is how my treatment started post surgery. Otherwise they would have waited until I had a Crohn's flair to do something.

Good luck Mary and I hope you get some relief soon.
Did you have these symptoms prior to using Pentasa?

Joint pain is characteristic of several diseases, and none of them are real easy to diagnose. Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis to name a few.

Yes after Pentasa, I have been on Pentasa for 6 months. Funny some of the RARE side affects I have. Itching is one of them and dry skin. My skin has never been this dry in my life.

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