I need help please!

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Jul 7, 2010
i need help please!

I'm getting my second remicade infusion next Tuesday. I need to know what I need to do bc none will answer my questions. Do I eat before I go? do I need a driver? Do I take my meds? Any other cautions i need to know. It's so aggravating not getting my stuff answered. I'm sill new to this and so worried! Any help is appreciated. thanks!
I took Remicade years ago so I don't really remember the drill. Perhaps you want to post over in the Remi thread under Treatment?

Good luck - hope it goes well! - Amy
You can eat before you go, or take food with you. Food doesn't make a difference. It really all depends on your infusion time. If my infusion was from 9-11ish, then I would eat breakfast and go, and usually take a yoghurt or banana for a snack.

I would have someone pick me up because they would give me Benadryl and it would make me drowsy. Other people may have different experiences with that.

Since your doctor would know what meds you're on before prescribing Remicade, then you would take your meds as usual.

I had a bit of a reaction during my first infusion, and the nurse recommended I take a Benadryl and a couple of regular Tylenols half an hour before my infusion. That's the only thing that I did to 'prepare' for the infusion. Otherwise, it was a regular kinda day.

Hope your infusion goes well.

hey! I'm so glad your doctors have started you on Remi..really crossing my fingers for you that it works!..I always have someone come with me to my infusions for 2 reasons..1 - keep me company for the 2ish hours sitting there. 2 - They give me benedryl as a pre-med so it makes me tired and I don't like driving like that..I always take all my regular meds before I go in. Benedryl and Tylenol are given to me when I get there so they just always ask if I've taken an antihistamine or pain meds before. I know at my infusion center, if you're there at lunch time they have bagged lunches to give you and also crackers, pop, juice any other time. But, like you, being gluten free I just usually take some gf pretzels or crackers to munch on while I'm there. Oh and I don't know about you, but I am EXTREMELY hard to get an iv in so I usually make sure I'm really chugging water the few days leading up to infusion so I'm super hydrated and up my chances of only needing one or two sticks! : ) Let me know if you have any other questions..good luck girly!
Good luck with your second infusion!
I never take anyone with me, and I drive myself home after. My hospital give me a shot of hydrocortisone before the infusion to minimise the chances of a reaction.

Like the others have said, you can just eat as normal. I usually take some snacks with me, plus a load of celeb gossip magazines, which make the time pass quicker!
You should be able to eat as normal and take all your regular meds, unless someone has said otherwise. Since it's only your 2nd infusion, I would bring someone to drive you home, in case they have to give you an antihistamine like Benadryl that makes you drowsy. As far as other stuff, just bring something to read/do so you don't get too bored!

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