My name is marissa and I have had crohns disease for 8 years. I was diagnosed when I was 12 years old and I am now 20. My first flare up or attack if you will was on Halloween night while I was trick or treating with my mother. My step father was following us around on a bicycle trying to start an argument with her, while she was just trying to have fun with me. She got very worried when I started heaving on the side of the road complaining about how bad my stomach hurt and how much discomfort I was in. My mom found out that crohns disease and ulcers were hereditary on my father's side and decided to take me to get checked. When the doctor told me at 12 years old that I was positive for crohns I asked him what did I do wrong? I ended up finding out that I always carried the trait it was just waiting on a stressed situation to activate it, and that ended up being my step dad. Ever since that day my life style has changed. My weight had fluctuated and I was on and off of med because of the way they altered my mood. Anyways it has been hard and I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not scared of my lifespan, because I am. And that's mainly why I joined, to hear stories of people who are much older than me still living a pretty decent life with this disease. Comments are welcome.