I wish I could concentrate...any suggestions?

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Mar 27, 2012
I have been having a terrible time with concentration. Its not distraction, just feeling stuck. Come to work, stare at computer, try to part the fog and work, not too productive...etc.

Anyone else in this boat? Any ideas?
I hear you and I share your frustration.

This is not a solution, just a temporary fix. . . but I find that if I watch Hoarders, I get so grossed out that I work like a demon for a short while afterwards! :) (Dumb but true).

It's frustrating that workplace culture treats us as machines that are expected to have constant output when we have good days and bad days. I hope things improve for you.
I'm having the same problem. :(

Vitamin deficiencies can cause concentration problems - maybe we all need some vitamins! Are you taking any? I know for me, a lot of it is just that I'm in pain or uncomfortable, and it's just so hard to get past that. Probably the same for you!
Hi Sarah-

Yeah, I am sure its all those things combined. I have a touch of depression, too, which certainly does not help matters. Thanks for your thoughts.


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