IBD or something else?

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Oct 18, 2011
Hi everyone,

in the past week I've noticed a red splotch on the TP during two different BMs when I wipe. I haven't been having any stomach pains, only abnormal gurgling so I was somewhat surprised. The blood was bright red and is usually just a line (corresponding to the right side of my butt) with the rest being normal color. I've tried examining my stools but haven't seen any traces of blood in them, only when I wipe and only the first wipe. This is not the first time it has happened as I saw blood twice during the winter months of 2011 (same bright red stripe and gone after the first wipe or two with no noticeable blood in the toilet or stool). I had also been having severe stomach pains and ended up getting a colonoscopy and upper GI over thanksgiving break with no remarkable results (no scarring or anything).

My GI diagnosed me with IBS and lactose intolerance, however the blood has got me thinking it's more than just IBS.

I should also note that my BMs are relatively normal. I go once a day and have nice consistency, the only thing I seem to notice is more mucous than usual I guess.

Has anyone else experience this? My GI is positive I don't have IBD.
If its just when you wipe (and the first one at that) that would have be belief its more on the line of hemmroids or a slight anal tear from the BM itself. If you're concerned
I would discuss it with you GI who can order a fecal specimen to see
If there's also blood in your stool. It's not uncommon for IBD patients to have blood from time to time whether from hemmroids or mixed in with the stool due to inflammation/ulcers in the colon and rectum
I agree with txarmywife sounds like a hemmie or tear. Do you have any other symptoms apart from mucus that would suggest IBD eg pain weight loss fatigue etc?
The only other thing I could think of would be a lot of audible stomach gurgling. I haven't had any abdominal pain, which was my primary symptom that landed me with my diagnosis of IBS.

I should mention that when I first saw blood on the TP I freaked out and went to the ER room of my local hospital. One of the nurses there swabbed (I hate to be graphic here) the inside of my anus a fingers length in, and came back and told me there were no traces of blood. I'm not quite sure how to interpret that other than the bleeding was from higher up? or (not knowing how hemorrhoids or tears work) that I had a tear or something that healed/stopped bleeding in maybe an hour or two.
It is possible that it stopped bleeding also a swab is not very effective it can miss lots of areas. I had the same thing about 1 yr ago for about 12 weeks it got progressively worse to the extent I was passing clots ( sorry if tmi). My consultant did a scope and said I had small hemmeroidal tissue nothing of concern. The bleeding stopped soon after. If your worried ask for a scope but honestly try not to worry.
I've had a few other people tell me something similar has happened to them before. I figure as long I don't have more worrisome amounts of blood, I'll leave it be. My main concern was that this could be IBD related and that maybe I should be going back to my GI for another colo/endo (all of which I would love to avoid). Thank you for the input, I can rest a bit easier knowing that it's not too serious.
I think for your own peace of mind and the fact you have a GI you should mention it to him as no blood is normal and if it is a tear you don't want it getting worse and he might be able to prescribe ointment etc it also allows him to keep an eye on you any new symptoms should be investigated as not all the symptoms are the same for everyone.
To be honest, bright red blood, in one place on the BM screams hemmie or tear to me.

How supple are you? Is there any chance you could use a mirror to examine yourself down there, to see if you can see anything obvious like a tear?
I can give it a try when I have access to a mirror. I'll make sure to bring it up with my doctor next time I go in for a checkup.