IBD Question

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 18, 2016
Ok I have a question I recently met someone who claims his wife has Crohn's . She's in her mid to late 20s she seemed healthy when they married only 3 years ago .but then she was diagnosed with crohns since then she has had her entire colon and most of her small inteston removed and the disease is continuing to progress and is killing her. Is this possible ? I have not yet met his wife and suspect it is all a BS story . Evrything I researched tells me this seems very far fetched
Ronnie, IBD is hard to explain. For some of us, we can be well for years and feel wonderful and then for some reason things change and at that time we might be sick for months or years. This has happened to me.

Then, there are others who are challenged with this on a daily basis and can't get a break from it no matter how hard we or our doctors try. Sometimes this medical challenge of ours is visible and sometimes it isn't.

I guess, what I'm saying is, right now your friend's wife might need all the love and support she can get. In the meantime, if you have any questions as far as how to support her let us know. I hope this answers some of your questions. Take care. :)
the dark side...

Good Day Ronnie,
When well-meaning folks say that Crohn's is no big deal these days,
because it is controllable with modern medications, etc etc...
I feel that it is both harmful and untrue.

As I write this, active Crohn's disease has my immune system attacking my body, killing healthy issue, etc.
Damage is accumulating and I remain upon a surgical trajectory...
except all risks are higher when IBD is active, surgeons mostly avoid cutting with active IBD unless it is an emergency.
tough to heal with active inflammation attacking
Sorry to say there are many potentially deadly complications.
blockage - perforation - abscess/septic
all must be considered life threatening
Personally I have endured all three! :O eek

I remain cheerful and positive and ready to laugh.
Unfortunately for me, I have been unable to achieve remission as yet?
As for the drugs, each brings it's own pros & cons & side effects & risks.

We have so many pink fundraisers and so much pink marketing here,
I can't help but wonder where are all the brown ribbons?
I guess inflammatory bowel disease is not deemed appealing for pop culture?

wishing you only well,

my avatar is me having dropped a quick 30 pounds.
Just trying to get "used-to" my new pencil neck!

Crohn's takes guts

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