IBS or Crohn's half brother has Crohn's

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Dec 7, 2015
I'm just wondering as I went to the doctors when I was 16 with tummy pains and bloating and he just said I have IBS I didn't have any testing.
I've always had tummy troubles with a lot of pain but recently I've been having diarrhea with extreme cramping which is almost as bad as labour contractions. I also have fatigue and weakness which is really getting me down. I did have some blood in my stool a few years back but I keep getting diarrhea after my main meal and my bowel movements float mostly (sorry if tmi).
My half brother on my dads side has Crohn's disease.
I've got a doctors appointment coming up but I'm in pain currently even after going to the toilet where as I thought IBS was relieved when going to the toilet.
This morning with the fatigue and weakness my husband noticed my lips looked pale.
Any ideas?
Hi, welcome to the forum. If it were me, I'd definitely go in and ask for testing, particularly with a family history of Crohn's (it can sometimes, but not always, run in families). Typically, IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion - meaning, they've done all the tests and didn't find anything, therefore it must be IBS. If they do no testing and just slap an IBS label on you, that's pretty lazy and irresponsible of the doctors, because there are a number of things that can cause these types of symptoms. It sounds like you've got a doctor appointment coming up - is it with a GP? If so, they can do some things like bloodwork and stool tests. I would also recommend that you request a referral to a gastroenterologist (GI) as they are specialists and can do more specialized testing such as colonoscopy, upper endoscopy, and imaging tests (CT, MRI). Good luck and let us know how you're doing and how your appointment goes! I hope you can get some proper answers and feel a bit better soon.
Thank you,yes it's with a GP hopefully she'll listen. My dad said I would have known by now if I had Crohn's.
My aunt on his side had stomach cancer too so it's worrying
You wouldn't necessarily know by now if it's Crohn's so I'm not sure why he told you that. Some people have it for many years before getting diagnosed. I have an aunt who was ill as long as she could remember, but only finally got diagnosed with Crohn's when she was in her 50s (so it took her at least 30 years, if not longer). We're all different and for some of us it takes awhile for diagnosis.

If the GP doesn't listen - please don't accept bad treatment from doctors. Just like with diagnosis, sometimes it takes awhile to find a good doctor, too. :) You deserve a doctor who listens to you and takes you seriously, so please do consider switching to a different GP if this one is no good. When do you see the GP?
Thursday morning il update with what happens.
Yeh I think my dad just doesn't know then, hopefully the GP will listen il ask for testing
The pale lips is probably due to anaemia (this is a symptom my doctor noted with me), which would also cause the weakness and fatigue. The doctor will no doubt do a blood test; this seems to be their first response to everything, and if you are anaemic along with the digestive issues that should be more than enough for a referral.

Good luck and I hope they don't keep you waiting too many months.