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Nov 5, 2013
How bad do you think it would be to take ibuprofen? I have not taken it once since being diagnosed. I just had a wisdom tooth pulled and had an infection... The codeines are not cutting it. Pharmacist said I could add ibuprofen but I am so scared since I'm also just coming out of a flare up. This pain is unreal. I was literally laying on the floor crying earlier.

I had a wisdom tooth removed many years ago (there was no infection) and I actually just managed the pain with Advil alone. I didn't even get a script for pain killers.

Any thoughts? Should I risk it? I'm not sure I will get any sleep tonight :(

Also -- I tried adding an extra strength Tylenol to the codeine to no avail.
I once had been taking ibuprofen for headaches I was getting and it eventually caused pain in my stomach. If you are taking it only once it might be ok but I would say try to find another way to numb the pain like tylenol with an icepack. Sometimes it feels like risking it once would be fine but then we can get into habits like using it for things we don't need. Ultimately it is your decision to make. I hope your mouth is feeling better!
I was doing tylenol + codeine with ice. 2 codeines at a time make it sort of tolerable but they said not to take more than 6 in 24 hours. I've already taken 3 in 6 hours.

My hopes are I will somehow sleep and wake up with less pain tomorrow. If not maybe I will try ibuprofen and then once this pain passes, never touch it again. I've gone almost 2 years with no Advil, Aleve or aspirin so far!

Thanks for your reply.
I would not chance taking ibuprofen! It will make your flare worse and many of us here will say the same thing, to stay away from it. Here's a few things to check out that might help you on more info. I do hope that you will feel better and the pain goes down for you. In the meantime, have you gotten a hold of your doctor? It might be worth a call if you're in this much discomfort. Sending hugs your way.


I would check with a pharmacist first if the following combination is problematic but I would be tempted to try and "sleep" the pain. Is your codeine like the codeine+acetaminophen one that you can get without prescription (generally 8mg codeine+ 300mg acetaminophen + 15 caffeine) or is it more like Tylenol 3 I think you call them in USA (30mg codeine + 300acetaminophen)?

Anyway, what I'm thinking is either taking gravol or benadryl with the advice of a pharmacist to at the least be able to sleep through the pain for the time being and I would stick to tylenol rather than touching ibuprofen. It never did much good to me (in relation to IBD).
I took ibuprofen for 2 days when I had the flu. The flu either was actually a flare, or turned into one. So I wouldn't. Maybe check with your doctor about taking more than the standard dose of codeine + paracetamol, or getting a prescription for something more. Hope you feel better!
Thank you all.

This is 300mg acetaminophen/ 15mg codeine. My problem is I will need much more than 6 in 24 hours to control this pain and the pharmacist said absolutely no more than 6.

I think I will have to call tomorrow for something stronger. I fell asleep for about an hour and woke up in excruciating pain again and it is nowhere near time for me to take my next dose.

Not sure how I am going to make it through the rest of the night now :(

I am usually really tough when it comes to pain and take pain killers very infrequently. But this is hands down some of the worst and most stubborn pain I've ever experienced.
Can you take an OTC sleeping aid?

Dumb though it sounds, if you've got nothing else, there are pain-relief hypnosis/binaural best/ isochronic beat sessions on YouTube...you need headphones, and just use the audio. I was having a tough time, but I fell asleep and woke up without pain. It didn't last long once I was awake, but I thought it did work.
When my son was having knee pain the GI told us he could take 1 advil, one time per day for no more than 3 days in a week. This was his advice for us, so maybe ask your GI if this is okay for you.

We decided not to do it because one advil wasn't really going to help much. I agree the Tylenol with codine isn't much help. Maybe the two together would help?
Over sensitive to Ibuprofen, I have being last 6-9 months and Codeine makes me constipated. I am allow parcemotol and heat packs.

Have you try any thing like teething gel and you can some at strong enough adults. Good Luck.
Thank you everyone for your posts... I ended up having a bad infection and then muscle and nerve damage from the shots they gave to do the surgery. I had been in and out of doctor's and the hospital past few weeks and they told me I had to do a few days of naproxen or ibuprofen to pull down the swelling and muscle relaxers or I wouldn't regain full use of my mouth without weeks of physical therapy. I did it because I was so desperate - couldn't open my mouth to talk or eat for over a week. It worked. I was ok for a few days and then vomiting and a mess today. I pray it wasn't from that. No bleeding though. I rarely have long periods when I am well. Especially in Fall and Winter.