Ice-cream / Red bull

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2011
What are your opinions on ice-cream and Red bull?

They're just 2 products we have at home because my roommate buys them, but they both have properties that could help me.

Ice cream = very high on calories
Red bull = gives me energy

BUT, I don't want to get sick either, do you avoid either one?
kiny.redbull is high in caffeine and ice cream is from dairy so its 2 things that a lot of ppl would avoid,you can only try them and see.
Thank you =). I will avoid them for now then since I'm just getting over a flare-up with meds.

Still looking for a very high calorie item like ice-cream then, hmm.
if you want to try the ice cream you can try some lactose pills to help digest the dairy products better.
I have ice-cream as a treat. Im not allergic/intolerant to dairy so havent a problem. But its not really nutricious so wouldnt rely on it for weight gain. For putting on weight i have found eating the healthy foods and smoothies to be the best way. Having small meals but regulary does it for me. Trying to put weight on fast does not work (a bit like why crash dieting doesnt), I think exercise is imoprtant for maintaining a healthy weight as well (Ive actually lost weight by stopping exercising)

With red bull, its full of caffine and sugars. A lot of people for these cause crohns symptoms to be worse. If you find it ok then go ahead, but i wouldnt rely on them and definately wouldnt be drinking them regulary
I've been lactose intolerant for over 10 years now. I can't tolerate most dairy products, especially milk and cheese. But, for some reason I can tolerate butter and ice cream. I try not to overdo it since I'm sure that too much of any dairy product will not do good things for me, but as long as I keep it in moderation, I can tolerate ice cream. Keep in mind that we're all different so you may or may not be able to tolerate it, of course. As Afman suggested, if you have a problem with dairy then you might want to try the lactose enzyme pills when eating dairy products, as those should help you digest dairy better. Those pills worked for me for awhile but don't seem to anymore unfortunately, so I've switched to things like almond milk, goat cheese and soy yogurt. (Still can eat real butter & ice cream just fine though.)

As for the Red Bull, personally caffeine just exacerbates my d so I avoid all caffeine.
I LOVE Red Bull. I have a vitamin B deficiency and the 250% of B12 helps me a lot. The caffeine however, makes the D worse, esp if I drink it on an empty stomach. I also seem to crash a few hours after drinking it; I get dizzy, hungry, and I feel like I am going to pass out. Eating usually helps though. I actually had a red bull this morning! lol

Dairy in general is actually one of my safe foods, or so it seems right now. So ice cream is nice and easy on my tummy. I love it :)
If you want to maintain energy longer than red bull gives you I would say try something called "Macro Greens" I have been on it for the past two weeks and it has definitely helped me with my energy. It tastes like your eating a leaf, but if you mix it with some apple juice it isn't terrible just unbearable.

Luckily I can still eat ice cream without issues.
I tried a small red bull a few years ago to try to get through a final. Yep ....that did not go well. I did not even finish the whole thing and within a 1/2 hour I was violently throwning up. So then I had to take my final worse off and more tired than I was before because of the lack of sleep from vomiting. I also had worse symptoms.

I think those drinks are the most unhealthy things anyone can drink. Well along with what got banned here ....that 4 loco stuff. To me all those kind of drinks do not even taste good.

As far as ice cream. Yumm in moderation for me. If you need to gain weight or want more calories drink ensure or boost. If you are extremely tired try to get the blood levels looked into more. Possible B12 shots and or iron infusions can help a little or a lot depending on the level and person. A lot of crohnies have to get them.
Ice cream for me is terrible, because I'm lactose intolerant. But sobeys carries a lactose free chocolate ice cream! Real ice cream!
Personally I would avoid Red Bull. I like to compare it to battery acid in terms of how beneficial it is for your insides. I think it should actually be band as a drink because it so so bad for people. If I ever drink Red Bull my face glows bright red and I have massive temper tantrums and can't seem to control my behavior... not good

Ice cream, I think it depends on your own tolerance. I find Ice cream is fine in small doses, but don't have to much of it because the very high fat content is quite taxing on the liver. If you have a problem with lactose I think you'd need to avoid ice cream but if your okay with it I can't see why you couldn't have it. Just make sure you check the ingredients before you buy it, only get natural ingredients and don't get anything artificial and cheap and nasty because that might contain stuff that will irritate you.
What are your opinions on ice-cream and Red bull?


Certified organic, gourmet / hand crafted ice-cream is delightful in taste - unfortunately dairy is very bad for my UC.

Red Bull and other so-called enery drinks, are pure poison and should be banned.
When my husband was diagnosed with Crohns, he was on a big Red Bull kick and I actually attribute his bowel problems to it. He woke up one night with very bloody stools and had to go by ambulance to the hosp. Needless to say he does NOT drink it any more. I would advise everyone to stay away from that stuff.

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