If you must go...

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

My Butt Hurts

Aug 2, 2007
I am asking everyone to consider something before making decisions.
If you must leave the site, please consider leaving your account intact.
Have your account name changed if you must, but please leave your words.
Change your name to X if you need to, the mods will do it for you. We need your knowledge.

When I first came to this site, I was a mess healthwise. I used the site for research and advice long before I signed up. When posts are missing in the middle of threads, it makes the thread look really bad. It reads jumbled, and it can be frustrating.

If you take your words away, you are taking away help from people who may desperately need it.

This may sound selfish, but people need you.
We all needed this place at one time, don't take your words away. Share them for the good of others.
i said this to a mod recently, that some of the threads now didnt make sense anymore, because people have been deleting stuff.
MBH, this is a great request. I was going to leave the site a week or so ago, but I decided not to because I want to help. I feel I need to still be here to give back to others what was given to me. So many of the people that helped me when I first joined are now gone and I miss them and wish every day that when I log in that some of them are here again.
I ask the same request, leave the posts that have helped so many already. Wisedom is a great thing and your wisedom may turn the tide for someone seeking help. One little word may set an impression that will never be forgotten to someone new and really hurting.
And please if possible come back to help others like you helped me.
MBH, your request has my approval.... it does cause confusion in threads when posts are deleted, particularly where they've been quoted.

i think the suggestion of requesting a name change to the posts, if someone does want to leave, is an excellent suggestion. and that way, the door is always open for the member to come back and have their username reinstated if they so wish.
I feel the same way when I first joined I had been using the site to research crohns and reading everyones post for about 4 weeks before I finally thought yes I need to join to have an input and also get some answers to numerous questions I had at the time. Without the help of everyone here I would probably still be in denial and confused. I also agree that people should leave there accounts open but just put an x next to it because heaps of thread have helped me understand this disease without having to ask heaps of questions. Also reading other members journey had helped me understand the disease and it would be ashame if they were deleted.
P.S. I had been wondering why some thread didn't make sense! :)
I realise a lot has happened her since I went on my sabatical, I think this is a great idea.

When I first came on this site, it helped me enormously. I felt alone with this illness for 20 years. I had no one to relate too.

We are in a very weird grouping. There's very few people that fully understand what we go through. This is a fantastic resource for fellow sufferers.
This site has helped me immeasurably both emotionally and physically. Without everyones support, I wouldn't have gotten the help I need this weekend. It is sad that people are leaving, but for my part I have to say that I have felt nothing but support and acceptance since joining this forum. I don't know how I would have gotten through some of the things I have been going through lately without it.
I can see both sides, been there done it. I now wished I had some of my old posts because I myself would of liked to see my "diary" of posts, to go back and remember then and tests and outcomes.

There was alot of silliness too but I don't miss those. ;)
Along with not deleting posts, I'd also prefer if people didn't post new threads about them leaving and why. Believe it or not, newcomers read forums before they begin posting so they know what type of people they will expect. If this had been going on while I was screening this forum, I would not have joined. I think people are being over dramatic and it may be causing other new members to not join and is only hurting the site. I know the people who are leaving don't want to be stressed out but what they don't understand is that with these "good bye" threads, they are stressing everyone else out along with them. If you want others to know you're leaving, PM your friends on here. Copy and paste your PM and send it to all of your friends if there isn't a multi send function on this site.
Agreed, Jill. I'm feeling extremely disconnected from the forum as of lately, however, deleting my account just seems like a huge leap and want to avoid it. I've taken a few breaks before and always find my way back. I'm sure I will once again, lol.

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