Ileostomy Reversal

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 8, 2012
Gold Coast
Hi I am pretty new to this forum but I have been reading some of the advice over the last couple of months for me I have had Chron's for 10 years but I used to only get small flare ups where I use predisone to control with Mezaline ( Salofalk) which in December stopped working for me.I have recently had Ilestomy operation which was done as emergency surgery due to a perferated small Bowel (intestine) and a abcess on the large bowel and I was told that had had removed the disease part which is good I just hope that it does not come back.I found pretty hard to deal with due to the pain and also getting use to haveing a Stoma and now I am comming up to where they will be operating again to resect the Instestine ( Small Bowel to Large Bowel ) could anyone who has been through the reversal surgery please let me know what it was like and what sort of recovery time after surgery ???? thanks :ybiggrin::ybiggrin::D
Hi Scotty,

Welcome to the forum. I am glad you finally decided to register!

Emergency surgery is not fun but it is great that they were able to remove the diseased portion of your large intestine.

I have not had a stoma (and therefore no stoma reversal surgery) but other members certainly have. Hopefully some will have a chance to post here.

Additionally, you can use the forum's search feature to look up other threads about this surgery.

Looking forward to seeing you more often on the forum!
Hello Scotty and welcome to the forum :bigwave: I am sorry that you ended up having to have surgery :( I have not had a stoma either but had the resection straight away, I do hope the reversal op goes well for you. Have you been started on any new medications yet for your crohns or will this be coming up after the op?
Hi Angrybird,
Yeah they started me on Imuran same as you but 150mg per day which I have now been on for about 8 weeks .cheers for the welcome :D:D
Fingers crossed it works! I have been on it before and had an issue with it so it was stopped, they are slowing re-introducing it this time in the hopes that it doesn't happen again. Hoping to get up to 125mg within the next month and this will be my maintainence dose.
Hello Scotty, I will be having reversal surgery on the 20th of this month. I had my colon removed during a trauma surgery. They plan on reconnecting me with a J Pouch. I will let you know how things go after the surgery. Good luck to you. Im sure all will go good.

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