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- Sep 18, 2010
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WOW, what a week. Monday morning I was to begin my prep for colonoscopy on Tuesday. Awoke at 5:00 am to phone call from my Grandma's (dad's mom) nursing home. The can't get response from her, calling EMS to take her to hospital. Fifteen minutes later, nursing home calls back, she passed away. She has been ill with pneumonia the past two weeks, in and out of hospital. It was not a complete shock that she passed. Grandma was 87. She lived a long life, I will be grateful to live that long. I will miss her, but it's comforting to know she is no longer suffering and that she is in a far better place. Plus she's reunited with my Grandpa too.
Getting through the day of no eating was not so difficult, but nothing like making funeral arrangements all the while drinking my special drink and running to the ladies room constantly. I didn't want to cancel my colonoscopy because I wouldn't be able to reschedule until end of October. I just cannot wait that long. I need relief ASAP.
OK, so now, a long list of things to accomplish before service on Thursday. Order flowers, find Grandma something to wear, get back to nursing home and pick up her belongings (they need room cleared out ASAP), make sure kids have something to wear to service and organize dinner for after service. Oh, I forgot to mention, my dad's powerchair is not working. The motor went out about a week ago. He's been struggling with insurance company to get it fixed. He has to get their confirmation before The Scooter Store can come look at it. So I also need to find a rental he can use for service.
Tuesday I went and had my colonoscopy/EGD. All went well, no problems, but lost more that half a day's time needed to accomplish my list of things to get done. Did a little shopping after procedure in Champaign, but couldn't find what I was looking for for Grandma to wear, but did find clothes for the kids. One thing down. Get home in time for my son, Ezra, to get out of school. He comes home complaining of stomach ache. An hour later, he's vomiting. Oh great, now I have a sick kid.
Wednesday morning I go to mall here in town, have to pick something for Grandma to wear. Still couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, but got something close. Off to funeral home to drop off clothes and do her hair. Never done her hair before, but had no one else to do the job. Her hairdresser at the nursing home finds it too difficult to do it after they pass. I can understand this. Then I run to store and get stuff to make chicken and noodles, an apple pie, fresh veggies and fruit, sandwich fixins and other misc. esserts. Drop groceries off at home, then head to nursing home to pick up Grandma's things. Finally get home, Ezra is feeling better, probably just a 24 hour bug, thank goodness. Make pie and chicken noodles. Still need to straighten up house, but I was so tired, I decided to wake up early and do that Thursday morning.
Morning of service was chaotic. Prepared veggies, fruit and meat for sandwiches and put chicken and noodles in crock pot and baked some biscuits. Got house in order. Went up to take shower, while my husband go the kids bathed. Came down from shower and realized I had forgotten about the biscuits in the oven. They weren't burnt, just well done.
Everybody ready, time to leave for service. Couldn't find rental powerchair for dad, so we'll just push him in his. Go out to truck to get lift down to put powerchair on. For some reason it's not working. You've got to be kidding, this cannot be happening. Thank goodness my brother realized it has a manual override. After a little bit of time we figure out how to get it down to get chair on and be on our way. We're running later than we would have liked, but on time nonetheless.
Service went well, dinner afterwards was good also. I finally feel like I can breath again. Tired, but mind is still pretty wound up. Could not sleep last night very well. Two a.m. rolls around, wake up to daughter, Emily, vomiting in our bed. Get up and change covers. She got sick several more times, so we didn't get much sleep last night.
I did talk with my GI's nurse yesterday. Results of scopes were mixed. Good news, no colonic involvement with CD. Stomach and duodenum inflamed, severe involvement in ileum around anastomosis and rectum. Doc wants to schedule small bowel series to get extent of narrowing in the ileum. Need to decide if meds will help or if surgery is needed to remove the area. Nurse calls this morning to schedule xray. First available time is October 18. Man, that's my daughter's birthday. What to do. I really just want to get this stuff done with. If I have to have surgery, I would like to have it done and on my way to healing before the holidays roll around. I decide ok to take October 18. Hopefully it won't take all day. Haven't had small bowel series since I was initially diagnosed, but certainly remember all to well the barium is not a pleasurable drink, so not looking forward to it. I was hoping to just be able to get on some meds to get on with the healing.
Anyway, whew, that was my week. Glad it's about over. Hopefully today will be uneventful. Emily is lying next to me in bed. She hasn't vomitted for about an hour and has fallen asleep. Hope she can get some relief soon.
Hope everyone else had a good week.
Getting through the day of no eating was not so difficult, but nothing like making funeral arrangements all the while drinking my special drink and running to the ladies room constantly. I didn't want to cancel my colonoscopy because I wouldn't be able to reschedule until end of October. I just cannot wait that long. I need relief ASAP.
OK, so now, a long list of things to accomplish before service on Thursday. Order flowers, find Grandma something to wear, get back to nursing home and pick up her belongings (they need room cleared out ASAP), make sure kids have something to wear to service and organize dinner for after service. Oh, I forgot to mention, my dad's powerchair is not working. The motor went out about a week ago. He's been struggling with insurance company to get it fixed. He has to get their confirmation before The Scooter Store can come look at it. So I also need to find a rental he can use for service.
Tuesday I went and had my colonoscopy/EGD. All went well, no problems, but lost more that half a day's time needed to accomplish my list of things to get done. Did a little shopping after procedure in Champaign, but couldn't find what I was looking for for Grandma to wear, but did find clothes for the kids. One thing down. Get home in time for my son, Ezra, to get out of school. He comes home complaining of stomach ache. An hour later, he's vomiting. Oh great, now I have a sick kid.
Wednesday morning I go to mall here in town, have to pick something for Grandma to wear. Still couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, but got something close. Off to funeral home to drop off clothes and do her hair. Never done her hair before, but had no one else to do the job. Her hairdresser at the nursing home finds it too difficult to do it after they pass. I can understand this. Then I run to store and get stuff to make chicken and noodles, an apple pie, fresh veggies and fruit, sandwich fixins and other misc. esserts. Drop groceries off at home, then head to nursing home to pick up Grandma's things. Finally get home, Ezra is feeling better, probably just a 24 hour bug, thank goodness. Make pie and chicken noodles. Still need to straighten up house, but I was so tired, I decided to wake up early and do that Thursday morning.
Morning of service was chaotic. Prepared veggies, fruit and meat for sandwiches and put chicken and noodles in crock pot and baked some biscuits. Got house in order. Went up to take shower, while my husband go the kids bathed. Came down from shower and realized I had forgotten about the biscuits in the oven. They weren't burnt, just well done.
Everybody ready, time to leave for service. Couldn't find rental powerchair for dad, so we'll just push him in his. Go out to truck to get lift down to put powerchair on. For some reason it's not working. You've got to be kidding, this cannot be happening. Thank goodness my brother realized it has a manual override. After a little bit of time we figure out how to get it down to get chair on and be on our way. We're running later than we would have liked, but on time nonetheless.
Service went well, dinner afterwards was good also. I finally feel like I can breath again. Tired, but mind is still pretty wound up. Could not sleep last night very well. Two a.m. rolls around, wake up to daughter, Emily, vomiting in our bed. Get up and change covers. She got sick several more times, so we didn't get much sleep last night.
I did talk with my GI's nurse yesterday. Results of scopes were mixed. Good news, no colonic involvement with CD. Stomach and duodenum inflamed, severe involvement in ileum around anastomosis and rectum. Doc wants to schedule small bowel series to get extent of narrowing in the ileum. Need to decide if meds will help or if surgery is needed to remove the area. Nurse calls this morning to schedule xray. First available time is October 18. Man, that's my daughter's birthday. What to do. I really just want to get this stuff done with. If I have to have surgery, I would like to have it done and on my way to healing before the holidays roll around. I decide ok to take October 18. Hopefully it won't take all day. Haven't had small bowel series since I was initially diagnosed, but certainly remember all to well the barium is not a pleasurable drink, so not looking forward to it. I was hoping to just be able to get on some meds to get on with the healing.
Anyway, whew, that was my week. Glad it's about over. Hopefully today will be uneventful. Emily is lying next to me in bed. She hasn't vomitted for about an hour and has fallen asleep. Hope she can get some relief soon.
Hope everyone else had a good week.