I'm feeling very anxious right now.

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mrs. vr

I am in the final countdown here. On the 13th of October, I get all my results, and hopefully will have a concrete answer one way or the other. I really truly DO NOT WANT to have Crohn's, or any other autoimmune disorder. At the same time, I'm terrified they wont find ANYTHING. I know that's dumb, I know that my inflammatory markers are consistently high, I know I feel horrible when things are flaring, none of the doctors now seem to doubt that SOMETHING is wrong, but why is it so darn hard to diagnose?

I can't even adequately describe what I'm feeling here. It's like I'm dreading the results no matter WHAT they are. Ugh. This is crummy.

I know it's coming to a head because yesterday we got the letter from prometheus saying they would send the bill to the insurance, but we're ultimately responsible (which we knew), and the letter mentioned that THE RESULTS HAVE BEEN SENT to my GI doc. I hate waiting.

Most of the time, I can just think about something else, but this is starting to invade my brain, big time.

Sorry to sound like a whiny little brat, I just want this to all be wrapped up so they can start treating me for whatever it is, and I can start feeling BETTER. Sigh.:yfrown:
Thank you Pen. I'm really trying not to dwell on it, but now this stuff with my eyes is going on too, and ugh, I just want to fall asleep and not wake up til the 13th. The GI did tell me in his office that they give all results in person, so I don't expect to hear before then. Bleh.
I think that's crazy to make someone wait if they have the results already. Maybe you could just call and ask and see what they say. that's 3 weeks away, 3 weeks that you could be treating your symptoms instead of just worrting about it. And you're not whiny or a brat, so don't worry about that. That's what we're here for. Even if the results suck, at least you will know, and then you can start treating it correctly.
Hope it's sooner than you think.
My Butt Hurts said:
I think that's crazy to make someone wait if they have the results already. Maybe you could just call and ask and see what they say. that's 3 weeks away, 3 weeks that you could be treating your symptoms instead of just worrting about it. And you're not whiny or a brat, so don't worry about that. That's what we're here for. Even if the results suck, at least you will know, and then you can start treating it correctly.
Hope it's sooner than you think.

That's what my Dad did. Even though I was already on Pentasa, he still called, and found out what the official diagnosis was after the CT and bloodwork were processed. They prescribed the Pentasa after the Colonoscopy I believe. Didn't start really taking them until that weekend though (three days later), I was still learning how to swallow pill.
I hate waiting for results too! I tried to call, but they said I had to wait to see the doctor. DUMB! I hope that you get the news you want. My tests didn't come out conclusively Crohn's or UC, but I have IBD for sure. Oh, well atleast I know what is going on and have some way of treating it. The worst was when I had no idea what was going on and the only thing they could tell me was that stress might be causing the tummy problems. For me knowing that I wasn't making myself sick was a relief.
Teeny, that's what he told me at my visit, "don't call, we'll tell you everything in person" ugh.
I hate that! Why do they make us wait so long?

Worst thing was that when I finally got to my appointment he had called out sick! So I had to reschedule and wait even longer. Totally sucked.
It does suck!
Then on top of it all they can only spend whatever the insurance allots them in the room with you:-(
They should realize what stress can do to a person...

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