I'm home!!!

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Jul 14, 2011

I am home and eating my own vegan food and my kitties are both here. They even took my picc out and just sent me home with dilaudid, tramadol and promethazine. All of a sudden my insurance is making me pay a co-pay though :/ I hope that doesn't continue. Anyway I just wanted to share the good news considering about how much I wrote about my hospital stay and all. Thanks for the support from the few people who talked to me
That's great, Tish!!!!!! :) So glad you are finally back at home and eating what you want!
This is so fab to hear after you have been through! :):):)

I hope things continue to settle for you...good luck!

Dusty. xxx
So glad to hear you are home! Hope you are recovering and getting tons and tons of rest. Remember to keep walking! *big hugs*
Great news!!!! (except for the insurance bit)

Take it easy, dont rush around. Just let your body heal. Being home with your babies will certainly help!
Ah thanks everyone. I kinda over exerted myself last night and went out to dinner with my boyfriend (he got off work early so we could) and ate too much >.< but it was worth it. Anyway, I'm gonna try and take it easier today. I have a few errands to run today but after that I am coming home and taking a hot shower/resting up.
:nonono: Easy does it!!!!! The last thing you need is a set back. Can you give yourself 7 days of easy does it?? Please?? I'll do your laundry!
Totally agree with Misty, I didn't have my first trip out (apart from walks out front the house) until 2 weeks after the op. I went food shopping and this wiped me out for four days! All I wanted to was sleep. Please try and rest, you have been through a lot to get home and you don't want to jeopardize this.
I went out again today to look for a dresser. I'm seriously done. Yesterday I slept all day when I got home and now I'm in bed again and this is where I am staying for the next few days. I'm so annoyed though because I just realized my GI doc didn't come see me once while I was in the hospital for that month. Not only that but he has not contacted me to let me know if I should continue on with my Humira and methotrexate. I just put in a call and hopefully I get a call back. I don't want another flare anytime soon.
I see your body needs to catch up with your brain. My brain said I was fine, my body said...''I'll get you for that!''.

Your GI sounds like mine...I didnt see mine either! Follow up appt was booked months later! Dont let them do that to you!

I'm considering switching GI docs which would be a shame because my doc is good but never available and didn't come and see me the entire duration of my hospital stay which I seriously just cannot get over. I mean he has an entire month. I wonder if he even knows I got surgery yet.... UGH
Before switching how about you call him out on it and see what he has to say for himself, he may have a good explanation... HAH! how naive does that sound :) I didn't see my GI doc but to be fair I was only in hospital 4 days whilst yours had plenty of time to come and see you :(

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