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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 2, 2010
Hello to all! I finally decided to join the forum. Have been watching for a while now. I'm 26 years old (male), and was diagnosed with mild Crohn's a few months ago.
It started in August '09 while I was on a plane going to my one week trip to the Caribbean with my girlfriend. At the airport waiting to board, I caught severe stomach cramps and needed a rest room immediately. My BM was diarrhea and very x-plosive, and I figured i had too much coffee. Then i went another 3-4 times on the plane, and by the afternoon I felt amazing. Like nothing happened.
I got to the resort, went to the beach, had dinner, and all was well. Next morning at 5am I woke with cramps and for the next 3 days I had 10-20 bm's a day, with mucus and at times a lot of BLOOD. I was real scared. I went to the hospital there and they told me to wait until I got home. Tried coming home early but all the flights were booked.
*** Luckily, one of my clients (a doctor) was at the same resort and he gave me a 3-day supply of CIPRO. The day after I started the CIPRO I felt much better. No more diarrhea or visible blood, just a little mucus and my appetite came back. Made it to the beach for the rest of the 3 days.
Visited a GI, and told me it was probably an infection. But he stuck his finger in my rectum and tested for blood and said there was a lot of blood in my stool. Gave me a 4-day Xifaxan regimen and scheduled colonoscopy and biopsies one month ahead.
I did the colonoscopy mid-September and it came back with Crohns. He said my blood points to Crohns but my biopsies point towards UC. And I did have some ulcerations sporadically in my colon.

AFTER THE COLONOSCOPY - 3 months of Flagyl and he put me on a half dose of Apriso. 2 pills a day in the morning. I haven't really had any diarrhea (only on two occasions since August) (after dinner). My main symptoms are irritation right inside and outside of my anal opening. Especially after a BM it starts acting up. In the mornings its fine. He has not given me anything for that even though i asked twice. I do a sitz bath everyday which helps.
I did lose about 25 pounds since then. I think the IBD had something to do with it, but I was also overweight and have changed my diet greatly. No more sweets and very minimal on breads. I also was not eating much while on Flagyl because it cut my appetite.
I do have some minor abdominal discomfort here and there. And I am much more bloated and gassy. I have 1-2 bms a day, usually well-formed (occasionally oversized and constipated). I see darker colored streaked blood on the outside of my stools occasionally, but I do have some hemmies.
Also, sometimes I feel great for a few days but then sometimes I'll get this wave of exhaustion and fatigue for a few days. I also noticed more eye redness, even though I have always had allergies.

I know my symptoms aren't as bad as some others here, but it still sucks. I always think about the worst and I admit my outlook on things have changed a bit. Its still new to me so i guess I'll have to adjust.
Anyway, I WISH ALL THE BEST TO ALL OF YOU, and God Bless You. Talk to you soon.
Hi there Welcome!!! Your story sounds all too familiar, and I have family members with UC and CD, most doctors think because you bleed they tend to think UC. From studies I read, it is not supposed to be a common thing to bleed when having CD, but this forum states othewise.

I lived on Flagyl and Cipro, dropped the Cipro, it can cause ankle problems if you are on it too long. Flagyl makes your mouth like a fuzzy peach but I only take low doses. Hemmies are pain ful inside or out. Eye problems are common in Crohns. Get that checked out.

Good forum here, lots of help and a wealth of information, I have been here for 2 years and I welcome all new ideas. Trial and error, diet and stress can be hard but needed. Take care care!!!! Keep us updated.
:welcome: Ibdoer! Wow - what an awful timing for this thing to start! Glad you were able to get at least 3 good days of vacation! There are suppositories that you can take that would help with rectal inflammation - can't remember the name - Canasa I think? I hope you are able to get it under control - the bleeding sounds no fun! The fatigue sporadically sounds familiar as well. Anyway - glad you have joined us - let us know if you have any questions :O)
Hello Ibdoer,


Your story reminds me on mine. Im 24 and was diagnosed only a few months ago too.

I just wanted to mention about the eye redness. I've just been dicharged from the eye clinic, I had uveitus (however you spell it) My eye was completely red, my pupil was a funny shape, I couldnt look at the sunlight and it was quite sore. So get it checked out, it can cause blindness. I had to use steroid eye drops every hour day and night for 3 days and all togeher I'll be using the eye drops for 3 months. Im still weaning myself off them.

Speak soon.
Welcome !! Glad you joined us. Lots of support and info.
I can relate to the sore bottom . I would insist on suppositories , creams , foam, what ever from your doc. hang in there .
Welcome, IBDoer. Great name. Glad you've joined and hope you find the answers you're looking for.
Welcome ibdoer!

It's crazy how quickly this junk can attack, and have no consideration for timing! Mine came on fairly quickly too (not near as fast as yours) and destroyed my Xmas/New Year holiday plans.

Good luck to you!
Welcome ibdoer. Sorry to hear about your vacation and all the problems you have been having. We do know how you feel and we have nothing but heartfelt sympathy for you.

Good luck with everything
Welcome ibdoer! Sorry to hear about your illness, especially when on holiday!!! Sounds like you are doing fairly well. Glad to have you here - it's a great bunch of supportive and knowledgeable people :)

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