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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 1, 2013
Hi All,

One prednisone-induced sleepless night, I stumbled upon this site while researching personal stories for setons/fistula treatment. I am a Crohnie of almost 20 yrs. I feel pretty lucky in the fact I was diagnosed only one month after presenting with symptoms, a few days before I turned 19. One of my four other siblings was also diagnosed a few years later. Being diagnosed with Crohn's is actually one of the main reasons I became so interested in the medical field and the driving force behind me becoming a pharmacist. I've gone through the gamut of meds so I figured I might as well know as much as I can. I've had a rocky 20 yrs but have felt relatively well controlled these past few years.

After coping with a fistula for the past 1.5 yrs (We had hoped it would heal with medication) and then developing a most excruciating abscess last month, I had my very first surgery. They placed a draining seton last week. I definitely experienced my share of anxiety/tears the days leading up to it. I think I was more worried about them finding additional complications and suggesting further surgery than anything else. My outpatient procedure did turn into a one night stay in the hospital but just to monitor my low BP and pain (which was really nonexistent). I'm happy to say that I'm one week out and doing pretty well, no pain, just a little tentative in my movements. I know I've got some healing to do but I'm pretty hopeful overall as is my surgeon! Now to get off the prednisone.

That's the pretty basic version. I look forward to browsing the topics and meeting others with like experiences through the forum.

take care,

Hiya ehCrohnie
and welcome

Glad you found us, you'll be a major asset to the forum with your wealth of knowledge on meds!
Good luck ditching the Pred!
Joan xxx
Hi there ehCrohnie,
I hope you get some respite from treatment for a while. I recently joined too and find it helpful to express how I feel. I am on Infliximab infusions but recently had an infection, and pain in limbs, so I am on prednisolone whilst they look at my bloods. Crohns seems to be one of those fickle illnesses that affects people in different degrees of severity!!! You have not been having it easy but obviously have a great ,fighting spirit! Well done on your qualifications!!! Let us know how you are doing.
Welcome ehCrohnie:

Glad you stumbled upon this forum as there is loads of great info and wonderful people that you can chat with at any time of the day or night. My daughter was diagnosed five years ago and is dealing with the side affects of prednisone at the present time, too. It's such a good/bad med, but when you need it, you gotta have it. Keep the positive attitude that has sustained you throughout the years and you will prevail!
