Im scared for my 10 year old

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May 15, 2013
Hey there this story helped eaised my nerves my son is 10 and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in December 2011 Its been a struggle but we cope he had a fistula and thats how we found Crohn's. My family is noting but autoimmune My mother aunt grandmother cousins all had lupus RA you name it. He has resently formed another fistula and they want to give him a bag so that area can heal. I want him to not be in pain but I dont know how he would react to it either. Im getting ready soon to sit down and talk with him about this it always helped to talk with him first when any surgery would happen he seemed to cope with it better cause he knew what to expect. Im so scared right now. I hate my baby going through this They also had another option which he has had before and that is a track band to keep the area open apparently it didnt work the first time so im stuck give it another option to heal or put on a bag this is very tough for a mama.
(((hugs))) I'm sorry your son is going through this. As a parent it is very tough to watch. Good luck talking to him. There are a few parents here whose children have had surgery, I'm sure someone will be along soon to give you some advice.
I like that suggestion Kimberly27! I know with my daughter things don't sound so scary etc when the docs describe it. Maybe because I let some of my emotion and trepidation sneak out into the conversation and the docs have been there done that soooo many times and are so well versed with the outcomes and if thens that it is all matter of fact. Plus when she has questions they are right there to give the answer and I don't have to say, "I don't know let me get back to you".
Sound like a good plan to give yourself a reprieve. Sometimes we need to take the chance to take off our "nurse" hat and just be mom.

Good luck!

Hugs. (I always like to throw that in there. I am actually a very "huggy-touchy" person, so my virtual hug counts for a lot!)

When do you see the doctor? What's the time line on this?

It is so hard to watch our kids go through what this disease can dump on them!...and at the same time hold ourselves together. I agree with the others that letting the dr talk might help. My son is much less likely to be upset when the dr talks to him. I hope the conversation goes well and whichever method you choose, it does the job of healing!
When I was about your son's age, I never made a peep, no matter how much the dentist hurt me, unless my mom walked into the room, then I would start crying. SHE did not upset me, she made me feel secure enough to cry.

I just asked my son, "If you needed surgery, would you want me to tell you, or the doctor to tell you?" He said, "You."

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